Upgrading from v3#

While the changelog (opens new window) is the most comprehensive list of changes, this guide provides high-level overview and organizes changes by category.

Accounts & Providers#

Social Poster v4 combines Accounts and Providers into a single concept - Accounts. This is to better handle multiple clients for the same social media provider, and multi-site handling.

Re-connect Required#

You'll be required to re-connect all your social media accounts again to gain new tokens, once you have moved your settings over from Providers to Accounts. This is to ensure new tokens are created using the Auth module (opens new window). In some cases (for Facebook) we also store a long-lived token, which is then converted to a never-expiring Page Access Token, which helps with connectivity.

Be sure to also update the callback URL before you try to re-connect.

New Callback URL#

There's a new callback URL you'll be required to update in your OAuth clients for each provider. This is to fix some providers not allowing query strings in the callback URL, which some installs have with usePathInfo set to false. We now specify a site-based path for consistency.

OldWhat to do instead

Auth Module#

We now offload all authentication tasks to the Auth module (opens new window). We no longer store and manage tokens in this plugin, but through the Auth module. This won't mean anything to you as an end user, but it's good to know for custom development, if you need to access the raw tokens.

Custom Provider#

Any custom Providers will need to be ported across to be a custom Account. This is largely the same API, with some changes to ensure it works with the Auth module (opens new window), but also to modernise typings for PHP 8.

// Social Poster v2
namespace myplugin\providers;

use verbb\socialposter\SocialPoster;
use verbb\socialposter\base\Provider;
use verbb\socialposter\helpers\SocialPosterHelper;
use verbb\socialposter\models\Account;

use Craft;
use craft\helpers\Json;

use League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\Provider as OauthProvider;

class MyProvider extends Provider
    public function getName()
        return 'Provider';

    public function getOauthProvider()
        $config = $this->getOauthProviderConfig();

        return new OauthProvider($config['options']);

    public function sendPost($account, $content)
        try {
            $token = $account->getToken();
            $client = $this->getClient($token);

            // Construct your POST request according to the API
            $response = $client->post('api/endpoint', [
                'form_params' => [
                    'message' => $content['message'],

            return $this->getPostResponse($response);
        } catch (\Throwable $e) {
            return $this->getPostExceptionResponse($e);

// Social Poster v3
namespace myplugin\providers;

use verbb\socialposter\base\OAuthAccount;
use verbb\socialposter\models\Payload;
use verbb\socialposter\models\PostResponse;

use verbb\auth\providers\Disqus as DisqusProvider;

class Disqus extends OAuthAccount
    public static string $providerHandle = 'disqus';

    public static function getOAuthProviderClass(): string
        return DisqusProvider::class;

    public function sendPost(Payload $payload): PostResponse
        try {
            // Construct your POST request according to the API
            $response = $this->request('POST', 'api/endpoint', [
                'json' => [
                    'text' => $payload->message,

            return $this->getPostResponse($response);
        } catch (Throwable $e) {
            return $this->getPostExceptionResponse($e);

Plugin Settings#

Some plugin settings have been removed.

OldWhat to do instead


The following controller actions have been changed.

OldWhat to do instead


The following events have been changed.

OldWhat to do instead
Tokens::EVENT_BEFORE_SAVE_TOKENSee Auth module (opens new window)
Tokens::EVENT_AFTER_SAVE_TOKENSee Auth module (opens new window)
Tokens::EVENT_BEFORE_DELETE_TOKENSee Auth module (opens new window)
Tokens::EVENT_AFTER_DELETE_TOKENSee Auth module (opens new window)
AccountsController::EVENT_AFTER_OAUTH_CALLBACKSee Auth module (opens new window)

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