Forms are a vital part of any website, and often the main call-to-action for driving business.
Which is why we’ve packed Formie full of features we know you (and your clients) will love. From the intuitive drag-and-drop form builder to custom templates to 50+ third-party integrations — it's your go-to forms plugin for Craft.
Let's face it — your content is probably the single-most important aspect of your site. It deserves some respect!
That's why Vizy can help you manage that content without sacrificing functionality. The highly flexible content builder is a new way of modelling your content. More powerful than a WYSIWYG editor, more streamlined than cobbling together a bunch of different fields, and faster than a locomotive (well, maybe).
Great navigation is the solid foundation of any site.
Navigation can help you out. Give content authors a dedicated area to manage their navigations, pick entries, create manual links and more. All within an easy-to-use interface.
Okay — take it easy 😅. But seriously, here's some nice things people say about our work!
“I never have concerns about using Verbb plugins on my projects. The code is well written and well maintained, and Josh is always around to lend a hand if you need him.”
“Two Rs or two Bs, I can never remember. But I love their well-designed plugins for Craft CMS.”
“Josh is the best plugin developer I’ve ever met. He’s also the only plugin developer I’ve ever met”
“Verbb is the premier plugin developer for Craft CMS”
“A BIG shout out goes to @engramdes at @verbb_io for helping out with an inherited #craftcms site we were having done quirky things happen. Gotta love it when the community has your back!”
“Dear @verbb_io thank you for great plugins and customer service. <3”
“Freeform had been my go-to for forms in #CraftCMS but I’ve given Formie a shot with a current build in progress. Super impressed! And the UI is 👩🍳 💋”
“I let out a little squeee! of delight when I saw the legends at @verbb_io have made a form plugin for #craftcms 😍
It delivered as expected, just a total pleasure to use”
“Verbb sets the bar for plugin quality: useful, beautiful, well-documented, and well-supported. I can’t say enough good things about Josh and Verbb!”
“Vizy is the best long form content experience I’ve ever seen, both for authors and devs.”
“Josh is the best web developer in the world!”