Social Poster

Automatically post your entries to social media channels when you publish your entries. Selectively post to different networks, or re-post on-demand to boost certain entries. Supports Facebook, Twitter and, with developer support for additional third-party providers.

Control your posts to social media.

Each entry will feature a widget on the right-hand sidebar when editing. This allows you to control what to post to social media.

Each provider will appear as a tab on this widget, with a small indicator alerting you of its status. All fields are controlled through defaults in the plugin settings, and can be overridden on a per-entry basis. If you don't want to post a specific entry to a social media channel, you can easily opt-out.

If you'd rather opt-in to posting on social media, thats fine too! You can set the default for each provider to be disabled, enabling per-entry.

Posting again on-demand

Once posted to social media successfully, it'll never be posted again on subsequent saves of the entry. You can however trigger the entry to be posted to social media again on-demand.

This also provides useful feedback to look back on when a post was made on social media.

Error indicators

For whatever reason, if a post fails to be sent to social media, you'll be notified by the status icon on the Social Poster widget, for each provider.

Get started with Social Poster

Available for Craft 3, 4 and 5. Get it from the plugin store.