
A user-friendly field for creating collections of links to URLs, emails, entries and more.

Single or Multi

Hyper fields can define one or multiple links in a single field. No more grouping in Matrix or Super Table!

Multiple link types

You can even create multiple link types for specific needs. Think adding specific entry link types like "Blog", or "Event".

Ultimate flexibility with fields

Add custom fields to a Hyper field for additional content alongside links, arrange them as you like, include only settings you want, and more.

Easy migrations

Migrate from Typed Link, Linkit and Link fields with our easy migrations.

A focus on performance

Hyper minimises and groups database queries to improve performance.


Going headless? Query Hyper fields alongside your elements (like entries) with the GraphQL API.

Feed Me

Supports importing link content with Feed Me.

Custom link types

Create your own link types, or extend an existing one for ultimate flexibility.

Get started with Hyper

Available for Craft 4 and 5. Get it from the plugin store.