
We recommend adding the following to your config/app.php file. This will capture early initialization errors.


return [
    'modules' => [
        // ...
    'bootstrap' => [
        // ...

Using Bugsnag#

The Bugsnag plugin will automatically log most exceptions/errors. If you want to log an exceptions/error from a custom plugin, you may use the service methods:

use verbb\bugsnag\Bugsnag;


Using Bugsnag on the frontend#

You can log JavaScript errors on your site, by including the following in your Twig templates:

{% do view.registerAssetBundle('verbb\\bugsnag\\assetbundles\\frontend\\FrontEndAsset') %}

This currently uses v7.0.0 of the Bugsnag library. You also need to set the browserApiKey setting.

If you'd rather include the Bugsnag client in your build and initialize it yourself, there is a helper method to get the browser config based on your plugin settings:

    const bugsnagConfig = { ...{{ craft.bugsnag.getBrowserConfig(true) }} }

The method takes one parameter, that toggles if it should return JSON or not.

Adding metadata from templates#

If you want to send custom metadata with your request, you may do something like this:

{% do craft.bugsnag.metadata({ orderId: }) %}

Note that you have to call these methods before you include the JS bundle.

Throwing an exception from templates#

You can trigger an exception from your templates.

{% do craft.bugsnag.handleException('Something went terribly wrong.') %}

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