{% set link = craft.calendarLinks.create({
text: 'Release party',
from: now | date_modify('+1 hour'),
to: now | date_modify('+3 hours'),
}) %}
{# You can add a description #}
{% do link.description('There will be cakes etc.') %}
{# And a address #}
{% do link.address('Bend, Oregon') %}
{# Generate a link to create an event on Google calendar #}
<a href="{{ link.google() }}">Google</a>
{# Generate a link to create an event on Yahoo calendar #}
<a href="{{ link.yahoo() }}">Yahoo</a>
{# Generate a link to create an event on outlook.live.com calendar #}
<a href="{{ link.webOutlook() }}">Web Outlook</a>
{# Generate a link to create an event on outlook.office.com calendar #}
<a href="{{ link.webOffice() }}">Web Office</a>
{# Generate a data uri for an ics file (for iCal & Outlook) #}
<a href="{{ link.ics() }}">iCal & Outlook</a>
IE/Edge do not support data:text/calendar URIs (see https://caniuse.com/#feat=datauri).
Use something like this as a workaround, adapted from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/internet-explorer/ie-developer/samples/hh779016(v=vs.85)
In your twig file:
{% set addToCalendarLink = craft.calendarLinks.create(INSERT YOUR OPTIONS HERE) %}
<a href="{{ addToCalendarLink.ics() }}" class="download-event">Download event</a>
{% js at endBody %}
(function () {
this.EventHandler = function (linkData, fileData) {
this.linkData = linkData;
var links = document.querySelectorAll('.download-event'), i;
for (i = 0; i < links.length; ++i) {
links[i].addEventListener("click", getIcs.bind(this, event));
function isIE() {
return (window.Blob && window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob);
function getIcs() {
if (isIE()) {
var fileData = [this.linkData.split("%0A").join("\n").replace('data:text/calendar;charset=utf8,\n', '')];
window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(new Blob(fileData), 'event.ics');
} else {
window.location.href = this.linkData;
new EventHandler("{{ addToCalendarLink.ics() }}");
{% endjs %}