Code Blocks#

Doxter gives you the flexibility to define code blocks in the standard way or fenced. If you fence your code blocks, you can also specify a language identifier. Additionally, you can tell Doxter exactly how to render your code blocks for easy integration with your syntax highlighter.

Standard Code Blocks#

Standard code blocks are defined by one or more levels levels of indentation to denote where the code block begins/ ends

    $greeting = 'Hello';

    echo $greeting;

Fenced Code Blocks#

Fenced code blocks use three or five backticks to denote where the code block begins/ ends. You can also append a language identifier to the first set of backticks.

$greeting = 'Hello';

echo $greeting;

Custom Block Template String#

Since different syntax highlighters require slightly different markup in order to work, Doxter provides a way for you to define exactly how your code should be rendered. This is done by allowing you to define a code block template string that uses the placeholders {languageClass} and {sourceCode}.

Here are a few code block template string examples for the syntax highlighters I use most often. Prism is currently my favorite 👍

<!-- HighlightJS -->
<pre><code class="{languageClass}">{sourceCode}</code></pre>

<!-- RainbowJS -->
<pre><code data-language="{languageClass}">{sourceCode}</code></pre>

<!-- PrismJS -->
<pre><code class="language-{languageClass}">{sourceCode}</code></pre>

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