
Whenever you're dealing with a link in your template, you're actually working with a Link object.

Link objects can be classified into two parts, the Link Type and the Link, which represent the settings and value respectively. All attributes and methods are available to you in templates, but you'll likely only need Link data for the front-end.

The Link Type represents the chosen type of link you want the link to be.


labelThe label for the link type.
handleThe handle for the link type. Automatically generated and cannot be changed.
enabledWhether the link type is enabled or not.
isCustomWhether this is a custom-created link type, or a default one.


getSettingsConfig()An array of variables for this link type, used in the field settings template and saved to the database.
getInputConfig()An array of variables for this link type, used in the field input Vue component.
getSerializedValues()An array of variables to save as the value of a link (its content) to the database.
getFieldLayout()Returns the field layout for fields and UI elements.

An Element Link is an extension of a regular Link object, and is inherited by all element-base link types like an Entry, Category, etc.


sourcesThe allowed sources for users to pick elements from.
selectionLabelThe text used for the Choose button to select an element.

The Link represents the actual value of the field, as you'd want to output in your template.


typeReturns the link type class name chosen for the link. e.g. verbb\hyper\links\Entry.
linkTypeReturns the link type object chosen for the link.
urlThe value used for the href for the link. Supports .env variables and aliases, and combines any prefix or suffix.
textThe derived text for the label of the link. If an element link type, the title of the element will be used automatically.
targetReturns _blank if the link should open in a new window.
newWindowWhether the link should open in a new window.
linkUrlThe link URL. Supports .env variables and aliases.
linkUriThe link URI, if an element-based link.
linkValueThe value of the link. This will vary depending on the link type.
linkTextThe custom text for the link. e.g. Read more.
ariaLabelThe value for the aria-label attribute for the link.
urlSuffixThe suffix value to append to the URL.
linkTitleThe value for the title attribute for the link.
classesThe value for the class attribute for the link.
customAttributesAny custom HTML attributes for the link.


getElement(status)Returns the linked element if an element-based link type. status can be supplied to filter based on the status (by default, only live elements will be returned).
hasElement(status)Returns whether linked to an element, or an element-based link type. status can be supplied to filter based on the status (by default, only live elements will be returned).
getLink(attributes)Returns an <a> anchor element. Pass in an array of HTML attributes to override any.
getLinkAttributes(attributes, asString)Returns a collection of HTML attributes to be used when creating an <a> HTML element. You can also have this returned as a string instead of an array.

An Element Link is an extension of a regular Link object, and is inherited by all element-base link types like an Entry, Category, etc.


linkSiteIdThe site ID for the chosen linked element.

An Embed Link contains extra content fetched from the link target.


getHtml()Returns the HTML code for rendering a preview of the media.
getData()Returns the raw data as fetched from the link target.

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