Icon Picker Changelog

Keep up to date with all the changes with Icon Picker.

Icon Picker 3.x is on version 2.0.18, released on May 18, 2024

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch. 35 New features
  • theicons.co/svg/others-47 Created with Sketch. 20 Improvements
  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch. 66 Bug fixes
View latest release (2.0.18) on the Plugin Store

2.0.18 - Latest Release

Released May 18, 2024

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Add the ability to restrict Font Awesome kits by style.

  • theicons.co/svg/others-47 Created with Sketch.

    Update English translations.


Released Mar 04, 2024

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix order of operations when uninstalling the plugin.


Released Dec 08, 2023

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Add logging for Font Awesome kits.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix a PHP 8.2 warning.


Released Oct 25, 2023

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix an error when using Icon Picker with Redactor.


Released Sept 25, 2023

  • theicons.co/svg/others-47 Created with Sketch.

    Hidden folders are now excluded from searches to find svg icons. (thanks @sfsmfc).


Released Mar 21, 2023

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Add warning to field settings when no icon sets are available.

  • theicons.co/svg/others-47 Created with Sketch.

    Only admins are now allowed to access plugin settings.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix multiple Redactor fields with Icon Picker enabled not working.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix icon sets cache not working correctly for multiple Font Awesome API keys.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix Root default icon set not being created on install.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix Icon Picker fields not working correctly in Redactor fields.


Released Dec 24, 2022

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix SVG folder icon sets being mis-ordered when scrolling the icon picker dropdown.


Released Dec 16, 2022

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Add back support for subfolders for SVG icon sets.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix an error being thrown when the path to an SVG cannot be determined.


Released Dec 14, 2022

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix an issue where Redactor-based Icon Picker fields weren’t being initialized.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix remote icon sets (Font Awesome) not migrating properly.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix not migrating fields in Matrix and Super Table properly.


Released Dec 14, 2022

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix when migrating field content, not to wipe old values if invalid.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix SVG icons not rendering correctly in some instances.


Released Dec 01, 2022

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix lack of support for migrating remote icon sets.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix a potential error when saving a new icon set.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix an error when switching icon set type.


Released Dec 01, 2022

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix an error when installing Icon Picker as a fresh plugin.


Released Nov 30, 2022

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix some icon sets not migrating from previous plugin versions correctly.


Released Nov 25, 2022

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix an error when migrating Matrix-based icons.


Released Nov 25, 2022

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix a potential migration error where icon models haven't been migrated properly.


Released Nov 24, 2022

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix a migration error when migration icon sets for already-applied project config.


Released Nov 24, 2022

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix an error with incorrect Formie references included.


Released Nov 24, 2022

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix some migration issues from 1.x.


Released Nov 23, 2022

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Added the concept of Icon Sets to better organise collections of icons. This allows for greater flexibility, consistency and control for icons.

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Added the ability to register your own Icon Sets (even extend existing ones) for advanced handling of icons.

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Added better handling for rendering lots of icons.

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Added vue-virtual-scroller to improve render performance for large icon sets.

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Added icon set preloading for more performance benefits.

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Added Font Awesome 5/6 Free and Pro.

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Added Feather Icons.

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Added Ionicons.

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Added CSS.gg.

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Added Material Symbols.

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Add Feed Me support.

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Add plugin settings to configure the size of icons in the dropdown icon-picker.

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Add metadata.json file support for icon sets, to provide extra keywords for searching.

  • theicons.co/svg/others-47 Created with Sketch.

    Now requires PHP ^8.0.2.

  • theicons.co/svg/others-47 Created with Sketch.

    Now requires Craft ^4.0.0-beta.1.

  • theicons.co/svg/others-47 Created with Sketch.

    Now requires Icon Picker 1.1.12 in order to update from Craft 3.

  • theicons.co/svg/others-47 Created with Sketch.

    Migrate to Vue 3-based field input for more control and better client-side performance.

  • theicons.co/svg/others-47 Created with Sketch.

    Reorganise Icon and IconSet models, and improve server-side performance.

  • theicons.co/svg/others-47 Created with Sketch.

    Icon Picker will no longer automatically scan the nominated "Icons Path" for folders, sprites and fonts. Create an Icon Set instead.

  • theicons.co/svg/others-47 Created with Sketch.

    Revamp remote icon sets to be class-based, and treated like regular icon sets.

  • theicons.co/svg/others-47 Created with Sketch.

    Revamp Font Awesome remote set, add 5/6 Free and Pro CDN option, ability to select version/license/type/collections, and Kit option through API.

  • theicons.co/svg/others-47 Created with Sketch.

    Lazy-load non-SVG resources (fonts, spritesheets, scripts) for icon field values to save on-load performance hit.

  • theicons.co/svg/others-47 Created with Sketch.

    Change default path from icons to icon-picker to avoid some server setup conflicts.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Removed Icon Sources and the concept of Remote Icons Sets. These are all now Icon Sets.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Removed maxIconsShown plugin setting, as no longer required.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Removed craft.iconPicker.getIcon().

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Removed craft.iconPicker.getDimensions().

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Removed craft.iconPicker.inline().

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Removed Icon::icon. Use Icon::value instead.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Removed Icon::sprite. Use Icon::value instead.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Removed Icon::css. Use Icon::value instead.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Removed Icon::glyphId. Use Icon::getGlyph() instead.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Removed Icon::glyphName. Use Icon::getGlyphName() instead.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Removed Icon::getIconName(). Use Icon::label instead.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Removed Icon::width and Icon::height.


Released June 08, 2022

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Add icon-picker-svg and icon-picker-sprite classes to Redactor-chosen icons.

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Add support for multiple URLs for remote icon sets.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix sprite sheets getting incorrect id attributes.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix an error when a field contained an icon from a remote icon set that no longer exists.


Released Nov 01, 2021

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix JS Redactor plugin not installing correctly in some instances.


Released Sept 07, 2021

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix Icons Path plugin setting not working correctly when using aliases.


Released Dec 07, 2020

  • theicons.co/svg/others-47 Created with Sketch.

    Update Font Awesome remote source to 5.15.1.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Ensure icons load in Super Table and other nesting fields.


Released Aug 11, 2020

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Allow iconSetsPath settings to use environment variables or aliases.

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Allow iconSetsUrl settings to use environment variables or aliases.


Released June 10, 2020

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Added iconPickerField.length and iconPickerField.getLength().

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Added iconPickerField.isEmpty and iconPickerField.getIsEmpty().


Released June 09, 2020

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix error when only a single sprite existed in a sprite sheet.


Released June 08, 2020

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Improve performance of remote icon sets. (thanks @bertoost).


Released June 06, 2020

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Add enableCache setting.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix entry.iconField direct output showing URL, even when an icon isn’t picked.


Released Apr 16, 2020

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix logging error Call to undefined method setFileLogging().


Released Apr 15, 2020

  • theicons.co/svg/others-47 Created with Sketch.

    File logging now checks if the overall Craft app uses file logging.

  • theicons.co/svg/others-47 Created with Sketch.

    Log files now only include GET and POST additional variables.


Released Feb 11, 2020

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix windows path issues.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix another potential error for field settings and icon sets.


Released Jan 12, 2020

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix error with remote sets set to “All”.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix error when installing for the first time.


Released Jan 12, 2020

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Add GraphQL support for field. Now returns an IconModel.

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Add cache for each icon set. Icons for each set are now cached when the Icon Picker field is saved.

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Add controller action to lazy-load icon set content.

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Add utility to re-generate icon set caches.

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Improve performance for large icon sets.

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Add Redactor support. See docs.

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Add support for Google Material Design Icons, which need some special-handling.

  • theicons.co/svg/others-47 Created with Sketch.

    Major refactor, bringing performance improvements and caching.

  • theicons.co/svg/others-47 Created with Sketch.

    Update the icon selection field to lazy-load icons, rather than loading on page load. This brings significant performance benefits

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix craft.iconPicker.spritesheet not always returning content.


Released Sept 04, 2019

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix numerous errors when fetching remote icon sets via URL.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Change Font Awesome icon source to use file-system fetching, rather than via HTTP.


Released Sept 03, 2019

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix icons not propagating to other sites.


Released Aug 17, 2019

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Add getPath() function to icon model.

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Add supported translation methods for field.

  • theicons.co/svg/others-47 Created with Sketch.

    Changing to Local file read from External URL.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix error when resolving font awesome json file path.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix error when trying to access remote icons sets.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix error with font-name for icon font files.


Released Apr 27, 2019

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix Live Preview not showing icon selection.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix Neo fields clipping icon selection.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Icon selection pane now attaches itself to the field, instead of the body.


Released Apr 24, 2019

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Add maxIconsShown to control how many icons should be shown in the selection pane.

  • theicons.co/svg/others-47 Created with Sketch.

    Update default iconSetsPath to be relative to the web folder - CRAFT_BASE_PATH . '/web/icons/'.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix compatibility with some sprite definitions.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix handling when no sub-folders in icon path, only single icons.


Released Apr 07, 2019

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Add model.hasIcon().

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix normalise-url function causing issues in some cases.


Released Mar 17, 2019

  • theicons.co/svg/photo-09 Created with Sketch.

    Add settings override notices for plugin settings screen.

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix SSL errors with spritesheets and icon sources when devMode is on.


Released Mar 07, 2019

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix overflow issue for some fields.


Released Mar 06, 2019

  • theicons.co/svg/home-36 Created with Sketch.

    Fix JS error causing issues across the control panel.