
Manage navigation menus for your site Craft site. Supports linking to existing elements like entries, categories and products, as well as custom URLs.

Nodes = elements

As elements, nodes can be queried in a variety of ways which will be familiar to you - like working with entries!

Entries, categories and more

Create navigation nodes for entries, assets, categories and Commerce products.

Custom URLs

You're not forced into using elements — create your own custom URLs.

Node options

Enable/disable, open links in a new window, or apply additional CSS classes.

Smart updating

When a linked element's title or status changes, it'll automatically update your navigation node.

Multi-site support

Supports navigations per-site, or even propagate them across all your sites.

Third-party hooks

Have a custom element? You can add support for any element with simple hooks.


Use our `render()` Twig function, or roll your own templating


Generate breadcrumbs easily based on your URL segments.

Get started with Navigation

Available for Craft 3, 4 and 5. Get it from the plugin store.