
You'll likely want to setup a cron job to trigger Scheduler's console command every minute:

* * * * * /var/www/my-awesome-site/craft scheduler/command/run

What that command does is check if there are any Jobs to run and then runs them if there are. It also outputs what it is doing every time it runs, if you don’t want this emailed to you when using cron, then simply append >/dev/null 2>&1 to the command.

Anatomy of a Job#

A Job is a bit like a simple version of a Task with a date. It is essentially a class that must extend the BaseSchedulerJob and then would typically do something in its run() method. Take a look at the built in Re-save Element (opens new window) Job if you want to create your own.

Scheduler Job model#


Scheduler Job model objects have the following properties:


The Job’s ID.


The name of Job’s class, e.g. SchedulerReSaveElementJob.


A DateTime (opens new window) object of the date the Job should be run on.


The context the job was created from e.g. 'field' or 'programmatic'


An array of settings that can be used by the Job’s class.


Scheduler Job model objects have the following methods:


Returns the Job type this Job is using, which will be the class initialized and prepped with a Job model or false if it couldn’t be loaded for whatever reason.

Scheduling Jobs#

You can schedule a Job one of two ways - in PHP via the internal API or via the field type. The following service method is available to do just that:

Scheduler::$plugin->jobs->addJob($type, $date, $context = 'global', $settings = [])#

This method takes the job details, makes a model and passes it on to be saved unless there is a job with the same type, context and settings, in which case it just updates that jobs’ date. The parameters map to the properties of the Scheduler_JobModel, the only difference being that $date can take a string as well as a DateTime (opens new window) object.

Built-in Jobs#

There is currently one built-in Job the sole purpose of which is to re-save an element. It can be scheduled from two places: the Elements::EVENT_AFTER_SAVE_ELEMENT event or the supplied field type.

When the enableReSaveElementOnElementSave config variable is set to true then every time an element is saved a Job will get scheduled to re-save that element if it has a postDate or expiryDate property that is set to the future.

When used in the field type the date will be set from whatever is entered into the field.

Currently when determining which element to save Scheduler will also check if the element is a MatrixBlock, SuperTable_Block and in each case save the parent element as well.

Field type#

The field type allows users to select a date on which a Job should run, you set the Job type in the settings of the field. It can be used anywhere a normal field can and simply saves a DateTime (opens new window) object as its value - so you can even use it when fetching elements.

Custom Job#

Use the following event you can add your custom Job types to be accessed from the field type. It should return an array in the following format:

use Craft;
use yii\base\Event;

use verbb\scheduler\services\Jobs as SchedulerJobs;
use verbb\scheduler\events\RegisterSchedulerJobTypesEvent;

Event::on(SchedulerJobs::class, SchedulerJobs::EVENT_REGISTER_SCHEDULER_JOB_TYPES, function (RegisterSchedulerJobTypesEvent $event) {
    $event->types[] = [
        'label' => 'Custom job title',
        'value' => CustomSchedulerJob::class,

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