Rendering Videos#

There are two main ways to render videos in your template. If you're using the Video Picker field, you'll be using that, but you can also render videos without the field.

From Field#

When you get the value of a Video Picker field in the context of an element, you'll be dealing with a Video object, or a null value.

For example, your Video Picker field might have the handle video, and you've attached it to an Entry.

{% if %}
    ID: {{ }}<br>
    Title: {{ }}<br>
    Description: {{ }}<br>
    Thumbnail: <img src="{{ }}" alt="{{ }}">
    Embed: {{{ width: 500, height: 300 }) | raw }}
{% endif %}

It's always a good idea to check if the field has a value first, before outputting anything about it.

Without Field#

You can also do much the same thing without a field, directly in your Twig templates. Supply a valid URL for one of your connected and enabled sources and call craft.videoPicker.getVideoByUrl(url). This will return a Video object.

Note that this will only work for sources that are connected and enabled. For example, you can't put the URL of any video provider in getVideoByUrl(), as it has to be with a provider that Video Picker supports.

{% set video = craft.videoPicker.getVideoByUrl('') %}

{% if video %}
    ID: {{ }}<br>
    Title: {{ video.title }}<br>
    Description: {{ video.description }}<br>
    Thumbnail: <img src="{{ video.getThumbnail() }}" alt="{{ video.title }}">
    Embed: {{ video.getEmbedHtml({ width: 500, height: 300 }) | raw }}
{% endif %}

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