
Take control over comments for your site, by having them sit alongside your content. Completely ad-free and flexible, every part of Comments is customisable to your needs.

Comment on anything

Comment on any element – whether it be a entry, product or event.

Threaded comments

Allow users to create conversations by replying directly to other comments

Guest or user comments

Set whether guests can make comments, or just registered users.

Upvoting and downvoting

Users can upvote or downvote other comments to show their approval or disproval.

Flagging inappropriate comments

Allow users to flag spam or otherwise inappropriate comments for moderation. If enough users flag a comment, it'll be automatically hidden from view.

Email Notifications

Enable notifications to let your element author know when someone has posted a comment, or other users when people reply to their comment.

Settings for everything!

Comments aims to be as flexible as possible, with just about a setting or configuration option for everything. Control blacklisting, moderation, guest comments, notifications, spam checking and Google reCAPTCHA v3.

Comment moderation

Control comments on your site through moderation. You'll get an email notification when a comment ready for moderation.

Authors can edit their comments

For comments made by logged in users, they'll be able to edit their comment directly from the front-end.

...and lots of security features

A whole section dedicated to security in fact. Control blacklisting rules, moderation and spam checking (including Google reCAPTCHA).


Use our ready-to-go solution with bundled CSS, JS and Twig, or build your own front-end solution using our guides.

Get started with Comments

Available for Craft 3, 4 and 5. Get it from the plugin store.