
Firstly, you'll need to add the Footnotes plugin to your Redactor config. These are located at config/redactor/*.json. Add a footnotebutton value to the plugins array in the config.

    "buttons": ["format", "bold", "italic"],
    "plugins": ["source", "fullscreen", "footnotebutton"]

With this in place, a new button for adding footnotes should appear in Redactor fields (for the Redactor fields that use this config).

Render your content#

When rendering the Redactor field containing footnotes, you'll need to use the footnotes Twig filter.

{{ entry.myRedactorHandle | footnotes }}

Render footnotes#

Then, you'll likely want to render the footnotes at the bottom of the page, or neat your content. Using the Twig function footnotes() will return an array of footnotes (those that have been collected using the footnotes filter above). Each footnote is indexed by its number.

    {% for number, footnote in footnotes() %}
        <li>{{ number }} {{ footnote }}</li>
    {% endfor %}

When activating the Enable anchor links option on the plugin's settings page, the number variable will contain a link like <a href="#footnote-1">1</a>. You can get the plain footnote number with Twig’s loop variable for usage in the <li> element's id attribute:

    {% for number, footnote in footnotes() %}
        <li id="footnote-{{ loop.index }}">
            {{ number | raw }} {{ footnote }}
    {% endfor %}

Don't forget to use the raw filter for printing the number because it contains HTML.

Add a back button#

From here, you might want to add a link that jumps readers back to their position they just came from. Each footnote reference in your text content already comes with an ID, e.g. fnref:1, so you can link back to that ID from your footnote.

    {% for number, footnote in footnotes() %}
        <li id="footnote-{{ loop.index }}">
            {{ number | raw }} {{ footnote }}
            <a href="#fnref:{{ loop.index }}">back</a>
    {% endfor %}


You can also include a range of options to assist with rendering:

{{ entry.myRedactorHandle | footnotes({ anchorAttributes: { class: 'some-class' }, superscriptAttributes: { class: 'another-class' } }) }}

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