Rendering Links#

There are several ways to render a Link object.

For this page, we'll assume your Hyper field has the handle myLinkField, so be sure to substitute that with your own link handle. We'll also assume we're on a single entry template, and there's a entry variable available.

By default, outputting the value of a Hyper field will return the URL.

{{ entry.myLinkField }}
{{ entry.myLinkField.url }}

{# Outputs: http://my-site.test/some-url (both are the same) #}

Next, are common attributes to build the <a> anchor tag to generate a URL.

{% set url = entry.myLinkField.url %}
{% set text = entry.myLinkField.text %}
{% set target = %}

<a href="{{ url }}" target="{{ target }}">{{ text }}</a>

{# Outputs: <a href="http://my-site.test/some-url" target="_blank">Some URL</a> #}

But, a shorthand version of this is to use getLink().

{{ entry.myLinkField.getLink() }}

{# Outputs: <a href="http://my-site.test/some-url" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Some URL</a> #}

The benefit of using getLink() is that it'll automatically add any custom attributes, URL suffix, classes, Aria label, Link title and more to the <a> tag. Notice how the rel attribute is also added if we've selected to open this link in a new window?

You can also pass in any extra attributes you require:

{{ entry.myLinkField.getLink({
    class: 'text-black font-bold',
    'data-link': 'external',
}) }}

{# Outputs: <a href="http://my-site.test/some-url" class="text-black font-bold" data-link="external">Some URL</a> #}

You can also override the link text using text.

{% set linkContent %}
    <svg ... />
    Check out this link
{% endset %}

{{ entry.myLinkField.getLink({
    text: linkContent,
}) }}

You may want to customise the rendering of a link depending on it's type. You'll need to use the full class for the link type to compare:

{% if entry.myLinkField.type == 'verbb\\hyper\\links\\Url' %}
    {# Output for a URL link #}
{% elseif entry.myLinkField.type == 'verbb\\hyper\\links\\Entry' %}
    {# Output for an Entry link #}
{% endif %}

Available types:

  • verbb\\hyper\\links\\Asset
  • verbb\\hyper\\links\\Category
  • verbb\\hyper\\links\\Custom
  • verbb\\hyper\\links\\Email
  • verbb\\hyper\\links\\Embed
  • verbb\\hyper\\links\\Entry
  • verbb\\hyper\\links\\Phone
  • verbb\\hyper\\links\\Site
  • verbb\\hyper\\links\\Url
  • verbb\\hyper\\links\\User

You can access the raw "Link Value" if you require. This is a general purpose setting that varies depending on the link type.

{{ entry.myLinkField.linkValue }}

{# URL link type #}
{# http://my-site.test #}

{# Email link type #}
{# [email protected] #}

{# Phone link type #}
{# 1234 567 890 #}

{# Element link type #}
{# 25251 (the ID of the linked element) #}

{# Site link type #}
{# 76974830-73a5-45fb-9c73-72ac8c8981dc (the UID of the linked site) #}

{# Embed link type #}
{# {"title":"lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to","description"... #}

Native Fields#

For the available native fields, you can access them as you'd expect as attributes:

{{ entry.myLinkField.ariaLabel }}
{{ entry.myLinkField.linkText }}
{{ entry.myLinkField.title }}
{{ entry.myLinkField.urlSuffix }}


You can check if a Hyper field has a value with isEmpty().

{% if not entry.myLinkField.isEmpty() %}
    {{ entry.myLinkField.getLink() }}
{% endif %}

Custom Fields#

If you have any custom fields added to your link type, you can access them as you would directly from an element using their field handle.

{{ entry.myLinkField.myCustomField }}
{{ }}

For an element-based link, you can get the linked-to element. You can also use hasElement() to check if the link is linking to an element.

{% if entry.myLinkField.hasElement() %}
    {% set linkElement = entry.myLinkField.getElement() %}

    {{ linkElement.title }}
    {{ linkElement.entryCustomField }}
{% endif %}

Don't forget if you want the Title or URL of an element, it's more performant to use entry.myLinkField.title orentry.myLinkField.url.

Embed links store extra information about the fetched page. This could be a Twitter post, a YouTube video, or a SoundCloud song.

{# Example URL: #}

{{ entry.myLinkField.getLink() }}
{# Outputs: <a href="">lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to</a> #}

{{ entry.myLinkField.getHtml() }}
{# Outputs: <iframe src="" title="lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to"></iframe> #}

{{ entry.myLinkField.getData() }}

{# {
    title: 'lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to',
    description: '🤗 Thank you for listening, I hope you will have a good time here💽',
} #}

If your Hyper field is configured to allow multiple links in a single field, you'll want to treat the value of your Hyper field as an array of Link objects.

{% for link in entry.myLinkField %}
    {{ link.getLink() }}
{% endfor %}

Multi-link fields will still work with the previous examples (e.g. myLinkField.url, etc), but you'll only ever be outputting the first link in the field. As such, you'll want to adjust your templates to loop through a collection.

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