Australia Post#

In order to use Australia Post, you'll need to ensure you are using a valid Australian address as your store location. You'll also need to ensure your Craft Commerce default currency is set to AUD.


Australia Post supports the following APIs:

  • Rates
  • Tracking
  • Labels

API Credentials#

In order to use Australia Post, you'll need to connect to their API. There are two different API's to pick from, depending on your requirements.

Postage Assessment Calculator (Rates only)#

If you want to just fetch rates for shipments, you can use the Postage Assessment Calculator (PAC) API.

  1. Go to Australia Post Developers website and register for an API Key.
  2. Use the API Key from Australia Post and paste in the API Key field in Postie.

Shipping and Tracking (All)#

A more involved API that handles all features. You will be required to have an Australia Post account.

  1. Go to Australia Post Developers website and register for an API Key.
  2. Provide your Australia Post (eParcel) account number and complete the registration process.
  3. Use the API Key from Australia Post and paste in the API Key field in Postie.
  4. Use the Password from Australia Post and paste in the Password field in Postie.
  5. Use the Account Number from Australia Post and paste in the Account Number field in Postie.

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