
Once you've configured Snipcart to post to your webhook URL, each of the following will be triggered by the relevant customer action.

Shipping Rate Request#


Receives ShippingRateEvent (opens new window) with order and package properties.

Triggered in response to a shippingrates.fetch webhook event, but before shipping rates are requested from a shipping provider. This offers a chance to modify the order before shipping rates are requested, or do some validation and throw an error by setting the event's isValid property to false and optionally setting the errors property to an array of ['key' => 'error key', 'message' => 'error message'] associative arrays.

Shipping Rate Response#


Receives ShippingRateEvent (opens new window) with order, package and rates properties.

Triggered before any custom shipping rates are returned to Snipcart so that they may be filtered or modified. You can also do validation and throw an error (for instance if no rates were returned) by setting the event's isValid property to false and optionally setting the errors property to an array of ['key' => 'error key', 'message' => 'error message'] associative arrays.

Completed Order#


Receives OrderEvent (opens new window) with an order property.

Triggered by the order.completed webhook immediately after an order is completed and dispatched before any further action is taken, like sending to ShipStation or making inventory adjustments.

Product Inventory Change#


Receives InventoryEvent (opens new window) with element and quantity properties.

Triggered after an order has been completed, and contains references to each relevant Element and a numeric value that can be used to adjust its quantity.

Order Status Change#


Receives OrderStatusEvent (opens new window) with order, fromStatus, and toStatus properties.

Triggered when an order status has changed.

Order Payment Status Change#


Receives OrderStatusEvent (opens new window) with order, fromStatus, and toStatus properties.

Triggered when an order's payment status has changed from the dashboard or API.

Order Tracking Number Change#


Receives OrderTrackingEvent (opens new window) with order, trackingNumber, and trackingUrl properties.

Triggered when an order's tracking number has changed.

Order Refund Created#


Receives OrderRefundEvent (opens new window) with a refund property.

Order Notification Created#


Receives OrderNotificationEvent (opens new window) with a notification property.

Subscription Created#


Receives SubscriptionEvent (opens new window) with a subscription property.

Triggered when a subscription has been created.

Subscription Cancelled#


Receives SubscriptionEvent (opens new window) with a subscription property.

Triggered when a subscription has been cancelled.

Subscription Paused#


Receives SubscriptionEvent (opens new window) with a subscription property.

Triggered when a subscription has been paused.

Subscription Resumed#


Receives SubscriptionEvent (opens new window) with a subscription property.

Triggered when a subscription has been resumed.

Subscription Invoice Created#


Receives SubscriptionEvent (opens new window) with a subscription property.

Triggered when a subscription invoice has been created.

Tax Calculation#


Receives TaxesEvent (opens new window) with order and taxes properties.

Triggered when an order is ready for tax calculation, and only called if you've explicitly enabled the Webhook Taxes Provider option in the Snipcart control panel.

Customer Updated#


Receives CustomerEvent (opens new window) with customer property.

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