
There's lots you can do with the Snipcart plugin. Below are some examples you can use or take as inspiration.


There's a lot you can do by responding to Snipcart's webhooks! Here are some examples.

Send Low Stock Warning#

Use the init() function of a custom module to listen for changes to product inventory and send an email if there are fewer than 10 items left in stock.

Event::on(Products::class, Products::EVENT_PRODUCT_INVENTORY_CHANGE, function(InventoryEvent $event) {
    // fetch product detail info regardless of the field handle
    $productDetails = FieldHelper::getProductInfo($event->entry);
    // adjusted inventory = current + delta
    $newQuantity = $productDetails->inventory + $event->quantity;

    // send
    if ($newQuantity < 10) {
        $message = new Message();
        $message->setTo('[email protected]');
        $message->setSubject($event->entry->title . ' stock is low!');
        $message->setHtmlBody("<p>Re-stock soon! There are {$newQuantity} units left.</p>");


Send Webhooks#

Install Pixel & Tonic's Webhooks plugin (opens new window) to trigger Zapier/IFTTT actions and more. Have completed orders or updated customer information flash your lights or open your garage door. Or even something more useful.

Install the Webhooks plugin and create a new webhook. To fire an outgoing webhook when an order is completed, use...

  • Sender Class verbb\snipcart\services\Webhooks
  • Event Name beforeProcessCompletedOrder

Post to whatever URL is relevant. (The (opens new window) URL in the screenshot above is convenient for testing.)

The resulting post will come complete with all the order data.


On-Page Options#

Options you've defined on product buttons will display in the cart. If you'd like to expose them as selections on your product detail page, however, you can create fields and use JavaScript to link their values to the buy button's hidden details.

Let's say we're selling coffee and we'd like customers to be able to select the grind before adding the item to the cart.

1. Add a select menu and buy button to your template.#

<div class="product-detail">
    <label>{{ "Select a Grind"|t }}</label>

    <select class="grind-select" name="data-item-custom1">
        {% for grind in grinds %}
            <option value="{{ grind }}">
                {{ grind }}
        {% endfor %}

    {{ coffee.productDetails.getBuyNowButton({
        classes: ['btn'],
        text: "Add to Cart"|t,
        customOptions: [
                name: 'Grind',
                required: true,
                options: grinds
    }) }}

The resulting markup will look something like this. Note the data-item-custom1 name we gave to the selector.

<div class="product-detail">
    <label>Select a Grind</label>

    <select class="grind-select" name="data-item-custom1">
        <option value="Whole Bean">Whole Bean</option>
        <option value="French Press">French Press</option>
        <option value="Cone Drip Filter">Cone Drip Filter</option>
        <option value="Espresso">Espresso</option>
        <option value="Turkish">Turkish</option>

    <a href="#"
        class="snipcart-add-item btn"
        data-item-name="House Blend"
        data-item-custom1-options="Whole Bean[+0]|French Press[+0]|Cone Drip Filter[+0]|Espresso[+0]|Turkish[+0]"
    >Add to Cart</a>

2. Bind input changes to buy button properties.#

A quick little bit of jQuery can listen for the select menu to change, look in product-detail for a matching data-item-custom* property, and update it with the new selection.

This example will work with data-item-custom* properties as well as standard ones like data-item-quantity.

// find matching attribute and set its value
$('.option select').unbind('change').change(function(e){
    var $addButton = $(this).closest('.product-detail').find('.snipcart-add-item');
    var changedAttribute = $(this).attr('name');

    if (changedAttribute.indexOf('data-item-custom') !== -1) {
        // set custom field value
        $addButton.attr(changedAttribute + '-value', $(this).val());
    } else {
        // change attribute directly (data-item-quantity)
        $addButton.attr(changedAttribute, $(this).val());

Now when the customer chooses Add to Cart, the product will appear in the cart with the previously-selected grind.


Save Product Details with PHP#

// ... get an Entry element ($entry)

$entry->setFieldValue('myProductDetails', [
    'sku' => 'fancy-hat',
    'price' => 120,
    'weight' => 500,
    'weightUnit' => 'grams',
    'shippable' => true,
    'taxable' => true,
    'length' => 8,
    'width' => 8,
    'height' => 12,
    'dimensionsUnit' => 'inches',


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