Available Variables#

The following are common methods you will want to call in your front end templates:


See Comment Queries

craft.comments.render(elementId, params)#

See Rendering Comments


Returns HTML used for spam checks. If you're not using the render() function above, you'll need to call this in your templates.

craft.comments.renderCss(elementId, attributes)#

If you'd like to render the CSS for comments in a specific way, you can use this function. A <link> HTML node will be outputted at the location you add this tag to your templates. You should add this in your <head> to prevent a flash of un-styled content.

You can also provide attributes, and object of attributes added to the <link> element.

Be sure to disable Output default CSS else this will be rendered twice.

See Rendering Comments

craft.comments.renderJs(elementId, params, loadInline, attributes)#

If you'd like to render the JS for comments in a specific way, you can use this function. This can be useful for injecting the JS at a specific point in your templates, as opposed to at the end of the page. This will output an external <script> tag, along with an inline <script> element to initialise the comments' behaviour. You can control this with the loadInline parameter.

You can also provide attributes, and object of attributes added to the <script> element.

Be sure to disable Output default JS else this will be rendered twice.

See Rendering Comments

craft.comments.getJsVariables(elementId, params)#

This will return an array of variables required for the inline JavaScript for Comments to work. This function can be useful if you'd like to control the initialisation of the JavaScript.

{# Render the `comments.js` file - exclude the inline JS #}
{{ craft.comments.renderJs(elementId, {}, false) }}

{# Fetch the variables required for the comments JS #}
{% set jsVariables = craft.comments.getJsVariables(elementId) %}

{# Wait for the document to be ready, then initialise #}
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
        // Populate the ID and the settings
        new Comments.Instance('{{ jsVariables.id }}', {{ jsVariables.settings | json_encode | raw }});


Returns a collection of Vote objects for a provided user ID.


Returns a collection of downvoted Vote objects for a provided user ID.


Returns a collection of upvoted Vote objects for a provided user ID.

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