
Events manage the tickets your customers can purchase. Tickets are very similar to Commerce Products, and in fact are purchasables (opens new window), allowing it to make use of many core Commerce functions.

Create an Event#

Go to the main section for Events in your control panel main menu. This will list all the events you've created.

Before you can start creating events, you'll first need to setup a Event Type → and a Ticket Type →

Each field is fairly self-explanatory, but any additional information is provided below.

Events Edit 3

  • Title: Set up a title for your event to easily find it in the CP and display on the front-end.
  • Start Date: The event start date.
  • End Date: The event end date.
  • All Day Event: Whether this event should span the whole day. This will automatically set the start and end date times to midnight on the respective days.
  • Slug: The slug for this event.
  • Enable: Enable or disable this event.
  • Delete: The delete button deletes the event. Already purchased tickets for this event remain in the database.

Any custom fields you've added to an Event Type will appear as tabs preceding the Dates/Times tab.

Event Tickets 2

  • Total Capacity: The total capacity controls the total available tickets for this event. You can control this for the entire event, or per-ticket.
  • Ticket Type: Select a ticket type this ticket should be associated with.
  • Quantity: Set a quantity for this ticket type.
  • Price: Specify a price for this ticket type.
  • Available From: Optionally set a date from which this ticket can only be purchased after.
  • Available To: Optionally set a date from which this ticket can only be purchased until.
  • Delete Ticket Type: You can remove this ticket from the event. Already purchased tickets remain in the database.

Any custom fields you've added to a Ticket Type will appear as fields below the Available To field.

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