

If you've found a bug, or would like to make a feature request, head to GitHub (opens new window) and file an issue. Pull requests are also most welcome! This is our primary method for support.


Get in touch via the Craft Discord (opens new window) and be sure to post in the #plugin-support channel. Mention one of our team members on the following handles:

  • @verbb
  • @crawf

You can also send direct messages to the above. This is our secondary method for support.


Fill out the support request form to start the conversation. This is certainly the appropriate option if you'd rather have a private discussion.


Get our attention on Twitter by using the #craftcms hashtag and mentioning @verbb_io (opens new window)

Stack Exchange#

Ask a question via the Craft Stack Exchange (opens new window) and tag your question with plugin-kint.


Any feedback, comments, questions or suggestions please email us at support at