
Whenever you're dealing with a node in your template, you're actually working with a Node object.


idID for the node.
elementIdThe linked element ID (if not custom).
elementThe linked element (if not custom).
navIdThe ID for the nav this node belongs to.
urlURL for this node. Either the linked element or custom.
nodeUriURI for this node. Either the linked element or custom.
titleTitle for this node. Either the linked element or custom.
linkFull HTML link (combined url and title).
typeThe class name for the type of node. If custom, will be null.
nodeTypeThe class name for the type of node.
nodeTypeLabelThe shortened class name for the type of node.
classesAny additional CSS classes added to the node.
customAttributesA list of attributes as provided in the table. Use attribute and value for each row.
urlSuffixIf provided, a suffix (think anchor or query string) added on to the URL.
targetReturns either _blank or an empty string, should this node open in a new window.
newWindowWhether this node should open in a new window.
activeWhether the URL matches the current URL.
hasActiveChildWhether the node has an active child.
navThe Navigation model this node belongs to.
statusThe current status of the node.
children A collection of child nodes (if any).
level The level this node resides in, if using nested nodes.
isElement Whether the node is an "Element" node type (it links to an Entry, Category, etc).
isPassive Whether the node is a "Passive" node type.
isSite Whether the node is a "Site" node type.


As attributes are stored in a table for the node, you'll need to loop through them to output them. Each row has an attribute and value property, as defined in the table field for the node. These correspond with the column names.

<a {% for attribute in node.customAttributes %}{{ attribute.attribute }}="{{ attribute.value }}"{% endfor %}>
    {{- node.title -}}


A helper function to assist with generating attributes for an anchor tag.

<a {{ node.linkAttributes }}>

{# Would produce the following HTML #}
<a href="/some-url">

{# For a node that opens in a new window #}
<a href="/some-url" target="_blank" rel="noopener">

{# For a node with a custom class #}
<a href="/some-url" class="my-custom-class">

{# For a node with a custom attributes #}
<a href="/some-url" data-attribute="my-attribute-value">

You can also pass in any additional attributes you require at the template level:

<a {{ node.linkAttributes({
    class: 'another-class',
    'data-target': 'some-value'
}) }}>

{# Would produce the following HTML #}
<a href="/some-url" class="node-class another-class" data-target="some-value">

These will be merged recursively with attributes defined in the node. For example, we might have a class node-class defined in the node's settings. As you can see, this is merged in with another-class we define in our templates.

Custom Fields#

As you can have custom fields attached to each node, you can access their content via their field handles. For instance, you might have added a Plain Text field to your navigation's field layout, with a handle myPlainTextfield, which you could access via:

{{ node.myPlainTextfield }}

Element Custom Fields#

As nodes can be linked to an element, you can also fetch those custom fields attached to that element. For example, you might have a Homepage entry, which you've added as a node to your navigation. On this entry, you have a Plain Text field with a handle of myPlainTextfield. You could access it via:

{{ node.element.myPlainTextfield }}

However, you'll want to be mindful that when looping through all the other nodes in your navigation that not all nodes are linked to entries, and not all linked entries contain this field. You'll likely receive errors that myPlainTextfield is not a valid attribute. So, you'll want to provide some conditional handling of this.

{# Check that this node links to an element, and it has the field we want #}
{% if node.element and node.element.myPlainTextfield %}
    {{ node.element.myPlainTextfield }}
{% endif %}

{# Check for a specific element, via its slug #}
{% if node.element and node.element.slug == 'homepage' %}
    {{ node.element.myPlainTextfield }}
{% endif %}

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