Available Variables#

The following methods are available to call in your Twig templates:


Returns an instance of the Wishlist plugin.


Returns the default list for the current user. The params can be a collection of query params.

craft.wishlist.lists(forUser = true)#

See List Queries. By default, forUser is set to true, ensuring only lists and items that are owned by the current user are shown. Setting this to false will fetch items for any user, so be careful.


See Item Queries.

craft.wishlist.getAddItemUrl(element, params)#

Returns a URL to add a given element to the default wishlist.

craft.wishlist.getToggleItemUrl(element, params)#

Returns a URL to toggle a given element to the default wishlist.

craft.wishlist.getRemoveItemUrl(element, params)#

Returns a URL to remove a given element to the default wishlist.


Returns true/false whether a provided element exists in any lists for the current user (guest, or logged-in user). This can be useful if you have multiple list types, but want to denote if an element exists in any list of the user.

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