
A Review model is created for each submission to record the state of editors, reviewers and publishers.


idThe ID of the review.
submissionThe submission this review is related to.
submissionIdThe ID of the submission this review is related to.
elementThe Entry (opens new window) this submission was made on.
elementIdThe ID of the Entry (opens new window) this submission was made on.
draftIdThe ID for the Entry Draft (opens new window) this submission was made on (if any).
userThe User (opens new window) this review is related to.
userIdThe ID of the User (opens new window) this review is related to.
roleThe Workflow "role" for this user. One of editor, reviewer, publisher.
statusThe status of the review. One of approved, pending, revoked, rejected.
notesAny notes left by the user.
dateCreatedThe date this review was created.

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