
Whenever you're dealing with a submission in your template, you're actually working with a Submission object.


idThe ID of the submission.
ownerThe Entry (opens new window) this submission was made on.
ownerIdThe Entry (opens new window) ID this submission was made on.
ownerSiteIdThe site ID for the entry this submission was made on.
isCompleteWhether the submission is considered complete. This can be done only through approving or revoking a submission.
isPendingWhether the submission is considered pending (a submission is currently waiting for approval/review).
dateCreatedThe date this submission was submitted by an editor.


getReviews()Returns a collection of Review objects.
getLastReview()Returns the most recent (last-submitted) Review.

In additon, there are several other attributes and functions that are set at the submission level, but they in fact target the last (current) Review. They are available here for convenience.

editorThe user as the editor role, if applicable to the most recent (last-submitted) Review.
editorIdThe ID of the user as the editor role, if applicable to the most recent (last-submitted) Review.
reviewerThe user as the reviewer role, if applicable to the most recent (last-submitted) Review.
reviewerIdThe ID of the ruser as the eviewer role, if applicable to the most recent (last-submitted) Review.
publisherThe user as the publisher role, if applicable to the most recent (last-submitted) Review.
publisherIdThe ID of the user as the publisher role, if applicable to the most recent (last-submitted) Review.
notesThe notes of this most recent (last-submitted) Review.
statusThe status of this most recent (last-submitted) Review.
roleThe role of this most recent (last-submitted) Review.

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