Populating Forms#

When rendering a form, you might like to populate the values of a field with some default values.

{# Fetch the form with the handle `contactForm` #}
{% set form = craft.formie.forms({ handle: 'contactForm' }).one() %}

{# Sets the field with handle `text` to "Some Value" for the form #}
{% do craft.formie.populateFormValues(form, { text: 'Some Value' }) %}

{# Render the form after calling `populateFormValues()` #}
{{ craft.formie.renderForm(form) }}

Looking to update or override settings for the field before they're rendered? Look at Override Field Settings. This includes setting available options for Dropdown, Checkbox, Radio and similar fields.

Standard Fields#

Most fields will accept a single value as a string. Fields like Single-Line Text, Multi-Line text, Dropdown and more.

{% do craft.formie.populateFormValues(form, {
    textField: 'Some Value',
    dropdownField: 'Another Value',
    multiLineTextField: 'Another long bit of content',
}) %}

Ensure you replace the key for the Twig object above with the Formie field handle you want to set values on.

Element Fields#

For element fields (Entries, Categories, Tags, Users, Products, Variants), you'll need to supply an array of element IDs for the elements you want to populate. For example, for an Entries field:

{% do craft.formie.populateFormValues(form, {
    entriesField: [123, 5625],
}) %}

Here, we're settings the Entries field (with a handle entriesField) to contain two entries, one with the ID of 123, the other to 5625.

You can do the same for other elements:

{% do craft.formie.populateFormValues(form, {
    productsField: [6457],
}) %}


To populate values for fields within a Group field, you'll need to supply both the handle for the Group field, and the values for the inner fields as you normally would.

{% do craft.formie.populateFormValues(form, {
    groupFieldHandle: {
        text: 'Some Value',
}) %}


Because a Phone field can handle the country code and the actual phone number, you have two options when populating the field. You can either provide just the phone number, or an object with the number and the two-letter ISO country code to pre-select the country dropdown.

{% do craft.formie.populateFormValues(form, {
    {# For a phone number field #}
    phoneFieldHandle: '0412345678',

    {# For a phone number field with a country dropdown #}
    phoneWithCountryFieldHandle: {
        number: '0412345678',
        country: 'AU',
}) %}


When using a Recipients field, you can hard-code the recipient for the field. Depending on what display type you've chosen will depend on the available options to set. Notably, only the "Checkboxes" and "Hidden" display types can support multiple recipients.

{% do craft.formie.populateFormValues(form, {
    {# For hidden display type, use either a single email, or multiple #}
    recipientsHidden: '[email protected]',
    recipientsHidden: ['[email protected]', '[email protected]'],

    {# For checkboxes display type, use either a single email, or multiple #}
    recipientsCheckboxes: ['[email protected]', '[email protected]'],
    recipientsCheckboxes: '[email protected]',

    {# For radio and dropdown display types, use only a single email #}
    recipientsRadio: '[email protected]',
    recipientsDropdown: '[email protected]',
}) %}

For all options, the email address is never exposed in the HTML source of the page, keeping your recipient's emails safe. For Checkboxes, Radio and Dropdown, an ID value is used to reference the real email defined in the field settings. For a Hidden field, which allows for much more arbitrary template-level email definitions, the provided email values are encoded with a string unique to your site.


To populate a Repeater field, you'll also be creating the "blocks", as well as defining the inner field values. For instance, you might like to create 2 Repeater blocks on the page, with the first having one value, the next another. You'll need to provide the value as an array of objects.

{% do craft.formie.populateFormValues(form, {
    repeaterFieldHandle: [
            textField: 'Some Value',
            dropdownField: 'Option 1',
            textField: 'Another Value',
            dropdownField: 'Option 2',
}) %}

The above will create two "blocks" for the repeater field.


To populate a Table field, you'll also be creating the "rows", as well as defining the inner column values. The inner column values should be the handle for the column as defined in your field settings.

{% do craft.formie.populateFormValues(form, {
    tableFieldHandle: [
            textColumnHandle: 'Some Value',
            dropdownColumnHandle: 'Option 1',
            textColumnHandle: 'Another Value',
            dropdownColumnHandle: 'Option 2',
}) %}

The above will create two "blocks" for the repeater field.

Forcing Values#

The method of populating field values in Formie is by setting the default value for a field. This means that when you start a new submission, the values you set in populateFormValues() will be applied to the field, the same way a default value would.

However, there's one caveat with this approach, to do with incomplete submissions. If you were to try to populate an incomplete submission with field values, you'll find it won't work. This is because the submission technically already has a value - even if it's a blank value.

You can even test this in effect for a multi-page form by submitting the first page of a form, then adding your populateFormValues() call to your templates, to see that it'll have no effect on any of the fields on any page. This is because Formie can't determine if the empty value a field might have is "correct" (the user intentionally left it blank), or whether to populate (override) the value.

But there are scenarios where you want certain field to always have a set value, even for incomplete submissions, or if for example a user is coming back to a submission at a later stage. You can use the force option for populateFormValues() to achieve this.

{% do craft.formie.populateFormValues(form, {
    myHiddenField: 'This value can never be changed',
    entriesField: [123, 456],
}, true) %}

As you can see, by passing in true as the third parameter, you can force the field to always use the values you define in your templates. This might be useful for hidden fields, or even element fields, where you really do want the value to always be the same.

Populating from URL#

You can also make use of populating fields from a URL, using parameters in a query string. For each field, you can use the Pre-Populate Value setting to specify the parameter in the URL query string you want to populate the field with. This provides the flexibility of your URL not having to match the field handles of each field.

To provide a practical example, let's say we have an email newsletter that goes out to users. In this email, we contain a link to a contact form you want to pre-populate with information. The URL might look something like:

http://mysite.com/contact-us?first_name=Peter&last_name=Sherman&[email protected]&content=I want to know more!&utm=xxxxxxxxxxx

Clicking this link would navigate to your site, and a template that shows the form "Contact Form". This form would contain a Name (First Name and Last Name), Email and Multi-line Text fields. For each field, you would set the Pre-Populate Value field setting like so:

  • Name: First Name = first_name
  • Name: Last Name = last_name
  • Email = email
  • Multi-line Text = content

The handles for each of these fields doesn't matter, as we use this Pre-Populate Value to connect the query string with fields. You'll also notice the URL contains other query parameters, which is totally fine, as they are ignored.

Now, when the page loads, you'll have the form populated with content!

**First Name:**

**Last Name:**

[email protected]

I want to know more!

Of course, you can achieve the above functionality in your templates with populateFormValues(), but this method allows content editors to control the query string parameters freely in case the URL needs changing. Otherwise, they would rely on a developer to make template changes when adding new fields, or changing the URL parameters.

Checkboxes Field#

For a checkboxes field, you can either supply a single value, or an array of values.

{# URL when using a single value #}

{# URL when using multiple value #}

Element Fields#

For element fields (Entries, Categories, Tags, Users, Products, Variants), you can either supply a single value, or an array of values - but all must be the ID of the elements you want to populate.

{# URL when using a single ID #}

{# URL when using multiple IDs #}

You can also alter this behaviour using events if your URL params have specific needs. For example, if you wanted to use a URL param like entries=2242,1101 to handle multiple items.

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