
Formie provides a collection of events for extending its functionality. Modules and plugins can register event listeners, typically in their init() methods, to modify Formie’s behavior.

Form Events#

The beforeSaveForm event#

The event that is triggered before a form is saved. You can set $event->isValid to false to prevent saving.

use craft\events\ModelEvent;
use verbb\formie\elements\Form;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Form::class, Form::EVENT_BEFORE_SAVE, function(ModelEvent $event) {
    $form = $event->sender;
    $event->isValid = false;
    // ...

The afterSaveForm event#

The event that is triggered after a form is saved.

use craft\events\ModelEvent;
use verbb\formie\elements\Form;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Form::class, Form::EVENT_AFTER_SAVE, function(ModelEvent $event) {
    $form = $event->sender;
    // ...

The beforeDeleteForm event#

The event that is triggered before a form is deleted.

The isValid event property can be set to false to prevent the deletion from proceeding.

use verbb\formie\elements\Form;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Form::class, Form::EVENT_BEFORE_DELETE, function(Event $event) {
    $form = $event->sender;
    $event->isValid = false;
    // ...

The afterDeleteForm event#

The event that is triggered after a form is deleted.

use verbb\formie\elements\Form;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Form::class, Form::EVENT_AFTER_DELETE, function(Event $event) {
    $form = $event->sender;
    // ...

The modifyHtmlTag event#

The event that is triggered when preparing a form's HTML tag for render. Modify the tag event property change for a form's HTML is rendered.

For more examples, consult the theming docs.

use verbb\formie\elements\Form;
use verbb\formie\events\ModifyFormHtmlTagEvent;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Form::class, Form::EVENT_MODIFY_HTML_TAG, function(ModifyFormHtmlTagEvent $event) {
    $form = $event->form;
    $tag = $event->tag;
    $key = $event->key;
    $context = $event->context;

    // For the field `<form>` element, change the tag and add attributes
    if ($event->key === 'form') {
        $event->tag->tag = 'div';
        $event->tag->attributes['class'][] = 'p-4 w-full mb-4';

Form Render Events#

The modifyRenderForm event#

The event that is triggered when a form is rendered using the craft.formie.renderForm() function.

use verbb\formie\events\ModifyRenderEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Rendering;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Rendering::class, Rendering::EVENT_MODIFY_RENDER_FORM, function(ModifyRenderEvent $event) {
    $html = $event->html;
    // ...

The modifyRenderPage event#

The event that is triggered when a form page is rendered using the craft.formie.renderPage() function.

use verbb\formie\events\ModifyRenderEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Rendering;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Rendering::class, Rendering::EVENT_MODIFY_RENDER_PAGE, function(ModifyRenderEvent $event) {
    $html = $event->html;
    // ...

The modifyRenderField event#

The event that is triggered when a form field is rendered using the craft.formie.renderField() function.

use verbb\formie\events\ModifyRenderEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Rendering;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Rendering::class, Rendering::EVENT_MODIFY_RENDER_FIELD, function(ModifyRenderEvent $event) {
    $html = $event->html;
    // ...

Submission Events#

The defineSubmissionRules event#

The event that is triggered to modify or define additional validation rules for submissions.

use verbb\formie\elements\Submission;
use verbb\formie\events\SubmissionRulesEvent;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Submission::class, Submission::EVENT_DEFINE_RULES, function(SubmissionRulesEvent $event) {
    $submission = $event->submission;
    $rules = $event->rules;
    // ...

    // Add a required field for field with handle `emailAddress`
    $event->rules[] = [['field:emailAddress'], 'required'];

The beforeSaveSubmission event#

The event that is triggered before a submission is saved. For multi-page forms, this event will occur on each page submission, as the submission is saved in its incomplete state.

You can set $event->isValid to false to prevent saving.

use craft\events\ModelEvent;
use verbb\formie\elements\Submission;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Submission::class, Submission::EVENT_BEFORE_SAVE, function(ModelEvent $event) {
    $submission = $event->sender;

    $event->isValid = false;

The afterSaveSubmission event#

The event that is triggered after a submission is saved. For multi-page forms, this event will occur on each page submission, as the submission is saved in its incomplete state.

Do note the difference between this event and afterSubmission.

use craft\events\ModelEvent;
use verbb\formie\elements\Submission;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Submission::class, Submission::EVENT_AFTER_SAVE, function(ModelEvent $event) {
    $submission = $event->sender;

The beforeSubmission event#

The event that is triggered before a submission has been completed. For multi-page forms, this is triggered when the final page has been reached and is being submitted.

use verbb\formie\events\SubmissionEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Submissions;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Submissions::class, Submissions::EVENT_BEFORE_SUBMISSION, function(SubmissionEvent $event) {
    $submission = $event->submission;
    // ...

The beforeIncompleteSubmission event#

The event that is triggered before a submission has been made, but is incomplete. This is primarily for multi-page forms, where this event is fired on each submission of each page, except the final page.

use verbb\formie\events\SubmissionEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Submissions;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Submissions::class, Submissions::EVENT_BEFORE_INCOMPLETE_SUBMISSION, function(SubmissionEvent $event) {
    $submission = $event->submission;
    // ...

The afterSubmission event#

The event that is triggered after a submission has been completed, whether successful or not. For multi-page forms, this is triggered when the final page has been reached and submitted.

You should always check $event->success if you want to ensure your event only triggers on submissions that have been successful.

use verbb\formie\events\SubmissionEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Submissions;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Submissions::class, Submissions::EVENT_AFTER_SUBMISSION, function(SubmissionEvent $event) {
    $submission = $event->submission;
    $success = $event->success;
    // ...

The afterIncompleteSubmission event#

The event that is triggered after a submission has been made, whether successful or not, not while the submission is incomplete. This is primarily for multi-page forms, where this event is fired on each submission of each page, except the final page.

You should always check $event->success if you want to ensure your event only triggers on submissions that have been successful.

use verbb\formie\events\SubmissionEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Submissions;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Submissions::class, Submissions::EVENT_AFTER_INCOMPLETE_SUBMISSION, function(SubmissionEvent $event) {
    $submission = $event->submission;
    $success = $event->success;
    // ...

The beforeDeleteSubmission event#

The event that is triggered before a submission is deleted.

The isValid event property can be set to false to prevent the deletion from proceeding.

use verbb\formie\elements\Submission;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Submission::class, Submission::EVENT_BEFORE_DELETE, function(Event $event) {
    $submission = $event->sender;
    $event->isValid = false;

The afterDeleteSubmission event#

The event that is triggered after a submission is deleted.

use verbb\formie\elements\Submission;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Submission::class, Submission::EVENT_AFTER_DELETE, function(Event $event) {
    $submission = $event->sender;

The afterPruneSubmission event#

The event that is triggered after a submission is pruned (permanantly deleted) according to the data retention rules for the form.

use verbb\formie\events\PruneSubmissionEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Submissions;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Submissions::class, Submissions::EVENT_AFTER_PRUNE_SUBMISSION, function(PruneSubmissionEvent $event) {
    $submission = $event->submission;

The beforeSendNotification event#

The event that is triggered before an email notification is sent.

The isValid event property can be set to false to prevent the notification from proceeding.

use verbb\formie\events\SendNotificationEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Submissions;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Submissions::class, Submissions::EVENT_BEFORE_SEND_NOTIFICATION, function(SendNotificationEvent $event) {
    $submissionId = $event->submissionId;
    $notificationId = $event->notificationId;
    // ...

The beforeTriggerIntegration event#

The event that is triggered before an integration is triggered.

The isValid event property can be set to false to prevent the integration from proceeding.

use verbb\formie\events\SendNotificationEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Submissions;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Submissions::class, Submissions::EVENT_BEFORE_TRIGGER_INTEGRATION, function(SendNotificationEvent $event) {
    $submissionId = $event->submissionId;
    $integration = $event->integration;
    // ...

The beforeSubmissionRequest event#

The event that is triggered before a submission is validated. This is triggered on the controller action endpoint, so should primarily be used for modification of the submission before validation, or any other use-case that needs to occur in the controller.

The isValid event property can be set to false to prevent the submission from being validated, and instead stop on your own validation notices.

use verbb\formie\controllers\SubmissionsController;
use verbb\formie\events\SubmissionEvent;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(SubmissionsController::class, SubmissionsController::EVENT_BEFORE_SUBMISSION_REQUEST, function(SubmissionEvent $event) {
    $submission = $event->submission;
    $success = $event->success;
    // ...

    // Add an error for a field
    $event->submission->addError('emailAddress', 'This did not validate');

    // Tell Formie that the submission is now invalid, and to raise errors
    $event->isValid = false;

The afterSubmissionRequest event#

The event that is triggered after a submission has been completed, whether successful or not. This is triggered on the controller action endpoint, so should primarily be used for redirection hijacking, or any other use-case that needs to occur in the controller.

use verbb\formie\controllers\SubmissionsController;
use verbb\formie\events\SubmissionEvent;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(SubmissionsController::class, SubmissionsController::EVENT_AFTER_SUBMISSION_REQUEST, function(SubmissionEvent $event) {
    $submission = $event->submission;
    $success = $event->success;
    // ...

The modifyExportData event#

The event that is triggered when preparing submission(s) to be exported.

Modify the exportData event property to change the export data.

use verbb\formie\elements\exporters\SubmissionExport;
use verbb\formie\events\ModifySubmissionExportDataEvent;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(SubmissionExport::class, SubmissionExport::EVENT_MODIFY_EXPORT_DATA, function(ModifySubmissionExportDataEvent $event) {
    $exportData = $event->exportData;
    $query = $event->query;

Spam Events#

The beforeMarkedAsSpam event#

The event that is triggered before the submission which has been marked as spam, is marked as spam. This event fires only after the submission has already been marked as spam.

The isValid event property can be set to false to prevent the submission from being marked as spam.

use verbb\formie\elements\Submission;
use verbb\formie\events\SubmissionMarkedAsSpamEvent;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Submission::class, Submission::EVENT_BEFORE_MARKED_AS_SPAM, function(SubmissionMarkedAsSpamEvent $event) {
    $submission = $event->submission;
    $isNew = $event->isNew;
    $isValid = $event->isValid;
    // ...

The beforeSpamCheck event#

The event that is triggered before spam checks are carried out. These are not captcha checks, but Formie's spam checking like keywords.

You can use $event->submission->isSpam to modify the behaviour of whether Formie identifies the submission as spam or not.

use verbb\formie\events\SubmissionSpamCheckEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Submissions;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Submissions::class, Submissions::EVENT_BEFORE_SPAM_CHECK, function(SubmissionSpamCheckEvent $event) {
    $submission = $event->submission;

    // Flag this submission as spam
    $event->submission->isSpam = true;

The afterSpamCheck event#

The event that is triggered after spam checks have been carried out. These are not captcha checks, but Formie's spam checking like keywords.

You can use $event->submission->isSpam to modify the behaviour of whether Formie identifies the submission as spam or not.

use verbb\formie\events\SubmissionSpamCheckEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Submissions;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Submissions::class, Submissions::EVENT_AFTER_SPAM_CHECK, function(SubmissionSpamCheckEvent $event) {
    $submission = $event->submission;

    // Flag this submission as spam
    $event->submission->isSpam = true;

Fields Events#

The registerFields event#

The event that is triggered for registration of additional fields.

use verbb\formie\events\RegisterFieldsEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Fields;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Fields::class, Fields::EVENT_REGISTER_FIELDS, function(RegisterFieldsEvent $event) {
    $event->fields[] = MyField::class;
    // ...

The registerLabelPositions event#

The event that is triggered for registration of additional label positions.

use verbb\formie\events\RegisterFieldOptionsEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Fields;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Fields::class, Fields::EVENT_REGISTER_LABEL_POSITIONS, function(RegisterFieldOptionsEvent $event) {
    $fields = $event->fields;
    $options = $event->options;
    // ...

The registerInstructionsPositions event#

The event that is triggered for registration of additional instructions positions.

use verbb\formie\events\RegisterFieldOptionsEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Fields;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Fields::class, Fields::EVENT_REGISTER_INSTRUCTIONS_POSITIONS, function(RegisterFieldOptionsEvent $event) {
    $fields = $event->fields;
    $options = $event->options;
    // ...

The modifyExistingFields event#

The event that is triggered to allow modifying of available existing fields to select from.

use verbb\formie\events\ModifyExistingFieldsEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Fields;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Fields::class, Fields::EVENT_MODIFY_EXISTING_FIELDS, function(ModifyExistingFieldsEvent $event) {
    $fields = $event->fields;
    // ...

The modifyFieldConfig event#

The event that is triggered to allow modification of the config for fields, used in the form builder.

use verbb\formie\events\ModifyFieldConfigEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Fields;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Fields::class, Fields::EVENT_MODIFY_FIELD_CONFIG, function(ModifyFieldConfigEvent $event) {
    $config = $event->config;
    // ...

The modifyFieldRowConfig event#

The event that is triggered to allow modification of the config for rows, used in the form builder.

use verbb\formie\events\ModifyFieldRowConfigEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Fields;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Fields::class, Fields::EVENT_MODIFY_FIELD_ROW_CONFIG, function(ModifyFieldRowConfigEvent $event) {
    $config = $event->config;
    // ...

The beforeSaveFieldRow event#

The event that is triggered before the field's row is saved.

use verbb\formie\events\FieldRowEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Fields;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Fields::class, Fields::EVENT_BEFORE_SAVE_FIELD_ROW, function(FieldRowEvent $event) {
    $row = $event->row;
    $isNew = $event->isNew;
    // ...

The afterSaveFieldRow event#

The event that is triggered after the field's row is saved.

use verbb\formie\events\FieldRowEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Fields;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Fields::class, Fields::EVENT_AFTER_SAVE_FIELD_ROW, function(FieldRowEvent $event) {
    $row = $event->row;
    $isNew = $event->isNew;
    // ...

The beforeSaveFieldPage event#

The event that is triggered before the field's page is saved.

use verbb\formie\events\FieldPageEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Fields;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Fields::class, Fields::EVENT_BEFORE_SAVE_FIELD_PAGE, function(FieldPageEvent $event) {
    $page = $event->page;
    $isNew = $event->isNew;
    // ...

The afterSaveFieldPage event#

The event that is triggered after the field's page is saved.

use verbb\formie\events\FieldPageEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Fields;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Fields::class, Fields::EVENT_AFTER_SAVE_FIELD_PAGE, function(FieldPageEvent $event) {
    $page = $event->page;
    $isNew = $event->isNew;
    // ...

Field Events#

The modifyDefaultValue event#

The event that is triggered when preparing a field's default value. You can use this on any class that includes the FormFieldTrait trait.

Modify the value event property to set the value used.

use verbb\formie\fields\formfields\SingleLineText;
use verbb\formie\events\ModifyFieldValueEvent;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(SingleLineText::class, SingleLineText::EVENT_MODIFY_DEFAULT_VALUE, function(ModifyFieldValueEvent $event) {
    $field = $event->field;
    $value = $event->value;
    // Overwrite the value
    $event->value = 'My Custom Value';

The modifyHtmlTag event#

The event that is triggered when preparing a field's HTML tag for render. You can use this on any class that includes the FormFieldTrait trait.

Modify the tag event property change for a field's HTML is rendered.

For more examples, consult the theming docs.

use verbb\formie\fields\formfields\SingleLineText;
use verbb\formie\events\ModifyFieldHtmlTagEvent;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(SingleLineText::class, SingleLineText::EVENT_MODIFY_HTML_TAG, function(ModifyFieldHtmlTagEvent $event) {
    $field = $event->field;
    $tag = $event->tag;
    $key = $event->key;
    $context = $event->context;

    // For the main field element, replace the class attribute entirely
    if ($event->key === 'field') {
        $event->tag->attributes['class'] = 'p-4 w-full mb-4';

    // For the inner field wrapper, don't render the element
    if ($event->key === 'fieldContainer') {
        $event->tag = null;

    // For the field `<input>` element, change the tag and add attributes
    if ($event->key === 'fieldInput') {
        $event->tag->tag = 'span';
        $event->tag->attributes['class'][] = 'p-4 w-full mb-4';

The modifyValueAsString event#

The event that is triggered when preparing a field's value to be represented as a string. You can use this on any class that includes the FormFieldTrait trait.

Modify the value event property to set the value used.

use verbb\formie\fields\formfields\SingleLineText;
use verbb\formie\events\ModifyFieldValueEvent;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(SingleLineText::class, SingleLineText::EVENT_MODIFY_VALUE_AS_STRING, function(ModifyFieldValueEvent $event) {
    $field = $event->field;
    $value = $event->value;
    $submission = $event->submission;
    // Overwrite the value
    $event->value = 'My Custom Value';

The modifyValueAsJson event#

The event that is triggered when preparing a field's value to be represented as a JSON object. You can use this on any class that includes the FormFieldTrait trait.

Modify the value event property to set the value used.

use verbb\formie\fields\formfields\SingleLineText;
use verbb\formie\events\ModifyFieldValueEvent;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(SingleLineText::class, SingleLineText::EVENT_MODIFY_VALUE_AS_JSON, function(ModifyFieldValueEvent $event) {
    $field = $event->field;
    $value = $event->value;
    $submission = $event->submission;
    // Overwrite the value
    $event->value = 'My Custom Value';

The modifyValueForExport event#

The event that is triggered when preparing a field's value to be exported. You can use this on any class that includes the FormFieldTrait trait.

Modify the value event property to set the value used.

use verbb\formie\fields\formfields\MultiLineText;
use verbb\formie\events\ModifyFieldValueEvent;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(MultiLineText::class, MultiLineText::EVENT_MODIFY_VALUE_FOR_EXPORT, function(ModifyFieldValueEvent $event) {
    $field = $event->field;
    $value = $event->value;
    $submission = $event->submission;
    // Overwrite the value
    $event->value = 'My Custom Value';

The modifyValueForIntegration event#

The event that is triggered when preparing a field's value to be used in integrations. You can use this on any class that includes the FormFieldTrait trait.

Modify the value event property to set the value used.

use verbb\formie\fields\formfields\MultiLineText;
use verbb\formie\events\ModifyFieldIntegrationValueEvent;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(MultiLineText::class, MultiLineText::EVENT_MODIFY_VALUE_FOR_INTEGRATION, function(ModifyFieldIntegrationValueEvent $event) {
    $field = $event->field;
    $integrationField = $event->integrationField;
    $integration = $event->integration;
    $value = $event->value;
    $submission = $event->submission;
    // Overwrite the value
    $event->value = 'My Custom Value';

The modifyValueForSummary event#

The event that is triggered when preparing a field's value to be represented in the Summary field. You can use this on any class that includes the FormFieldTrait trait.

Modify the value event property to set the value used.

use verbb\formie\fields\formfields\Dropdown;
use verbb\formie\events\ModifyFieldValueEvent;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Dropdown::class, Dropdown::EVENT_MODIFY_VALUE_FOR_SUMMARY, function(ModifyFieldValueEvent $event) {
    $field = $event->field;
    $value = $event->value;
    $submission = $event->submission;
    // Overwrite the value
    $event->value = 'My Custom Value';

Address Field Events#

The modifyFrontEndSubfields event#

The event that is triggered to modify the front-end subfields for the field.

use craft\helpers\ArrayHelper;
use verbb\formie\events\ModifyFrontEndSubfieldsEvent;
use verbb\formie\fields\formfields\Address;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Address::class, Address::EVENT_MODIFY_FRONT_END_SUBFIELDS, function(ModifyFrontEndSubfieldsEvent $event) {
    $address1 = $event->rows[0][0];

    // Modify the `address1` field - a `SingleLineText` field.
    $address1->name = 'Address Line 1';

    $event->rows[0][0] = $address1;

    // Change the order of fields - remove them first
    $address2 = ArrayHelper::remove($event->rows[1], 0);
    $address3 = ArrayHelper::remove($event->rows[2], 0);

    // Add them to the first row
    $event->rows[0][] = $address2;
    $event->rows[0][] = $address3;

Date Field Events#

The modifyDateFormat event#

The event that is triggered to modify the Date Format for the field.

use verbb\formie\events\ModifyDateTimeFormatEvent;
use verbb\formie\fields\formfields\Date;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Date::class, Date::EVENT_MODIFY_DATE_FORMAT, function(ModifyDateTimeFormatEvent $event) {
    $event->dateFormat = 'Y-m-d';

The modifyTimeFormat event#

The event that is triggered to modify the Time Format for the field.

use verbb\formie\events\ModifyDateTimeFormatEvent;
use verbb\formie\fields\formfields\Date;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Date::class, Date::EVENT_MODIFY_TIME_FORMAT, function(ModifyDateTimeFormatEvent $event) {
    $event->timeFormat = 'H:i';

The registerDateFormatOptions event#

The event that is triggered to register the available options to select for date formatting.

use verbb\formie\events\RegisterDateTimeFormatOpionsEvent;
use verbb\formie\fields\formfields\Date;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Date::class, Date::EVENT_REGISTER_DATE_FORMAT_OPTIONS, function(RegisterDateTimeFormatOpionsEvent $event) {
    $event->options[] = ['label' => 'Standard Formatting', 'value' => 'Y-m-d'];

The registerTimeFormatOptions event#

The event that is triggered to register the available options to select for time formatting.

use verbb\formie\events\RegisterDateTimeFormatOpionsEvent;
use verbb\formie\fields\formfields\Date;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Date::class, Date::EVENT_REGISTER_TIME_FORMAT_OPTIONS, function(RegisterDateTimeFormatOpionsEvent $event) {
    $event->options[] = ['label' => 'Standard Formatting', 'value' => 'H:i:s'];

The modifyFrontEndSubfields event#

The event that is triggered to modify the front-end subfields for the field.

use verbb\formie\events\ModifyFrontEndSubfieldsEvent;
use verbb\formie\fields\formfields\Date;
use yii\base\Event;
use DateTime;

Event::on(Date::class, Date::EVENT_MODIFY_FRONT_END_SUBFIELDS, function(ModifyFrontEndSubfieldsEvent $event) {
    $field = $event->field;

    $defaultValue = $field->defaultValue ? $field->defaultValue : new DateTime();
    $year = intval($defaultValue->format('Y'));
    $minYear = $year - 10;
    $maxYear = $year + 10;

    $yearOptions = [];

    for ($y = $minYear; $y < $maxYear; ++$y) {
        $yearOptions[] = ['value' => $y, 'label' => $y];

    $event->rows[0]['Y'] = [
        'handle' => 'year',
        'options' => $yearOptions,
        'min' => $minYear,
        'max' => $maxYear,

Email Field Events#

The modifyEmailFieldUniqueQuery event#

The event that is triggered to modify the Submission query that determines whether this email is unique. You can modify the query to add your own logic.

use verbb\formie\events\ModifyEmailFieldUniqueQueryEvent;
use verbb\formie\fields\formfields\Email;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Email::class, Email::EVENT_MODIFY_UNIQUE_QUERY, function(ModifyEmailFieldUniqueQueryEvent $event) {
    $query = $event->query;
    $field = $event->field;
    // ...

    // e.g. change the query to only look at today's submissions, to allow only one per day.
    $event->query->andWhere('DATE(e.dateCreated) = UTC_DATE()');

Element Field Events#

The modifyElementFieldQuery event#

The event that is triggered to modify the query for element fields, for when rendering options on the front-end.

use verbb\formie\events\ModifyElementFieldQueryEvent;
use verbb\formie\fields\formfields\Entries;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Entries::class, Entries::EVENT_MODIFY_ELEMENT_QUERY, function(ModifyElementFieldQueryEvent $event) {
    $query = $event->query;
    $field = $event->field;
    // ...

HTML Field Events#

The modifyPurifierConfig event#

The event that is triggered to modify the HTML Purifier config.

use verbb\formie\events\ModifyPurifierConfigEvent;
use verbb\formie\fields\formfields\Html;
use HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Text;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Html::class, Html::EVENT_MODIFY_PURIFIER_CONFIG, function(ModifyPurifierConfigEvent $event) {
    $event->config->getHTMLDefinition(true)->addAttribute('span', 'data-type', new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Text());

Name Field Events#

The modifyPrefixOptions event#

The event that is triggered to modify the Prefix options for the field.

use verbb\formie\events\ModifyNamePrefixOptionsEvent;
use verbb\formie\fields\formfields\Name;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Name::class, Name::EVENT_MODIFY_PREFIX_OPTIONS, function(ModifyNamePrefixOptionsEvent $event) {
    $event->options[] = ['label' => Craft::t('formie', 'Mx.'), 'value' => 'mx'];

The modifyFrontEndSubfields event#

The event that is triggered to modify the front-end subfields for the field.

use verbb\formie\events\ModifyFrontEndSubfieldsEvent;
use verbb\formie\fields\formfields\Name;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Name::class, Name::EVENT_MODIFY_FRONT_END_SUBFIELDS, function(ModifyFrontEndSubfieldsEvent $event) {
    $lastName = $event->rows[0][3];

    // Modify the `lastName` field - a `SingleLineText` field.
    $lastName->name = 'Surname';

    $event->rows[0][3] = $lastName;

    // Change the order of fields - remove them first
    $firstName = ArrayHelper::remove($event->rows[0], 1);
    $lastName = ArrayHelper::remove($event->rows[0], 3);

    // Reverse the order
    $event->rows[0][1] = $lastName;
    $event->rows[0]3 = $firstName;

Phone Field Events#

The modifyPhoneCountries event#

The event that is triggered to modify the available countries the phone field has access to.

use verbb\formie\events\ModifyPhoneCountriesEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Phone;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Phone::class, Phone::EVENT_MODIFY_PHONE_COUNTRIES, function(ModifyPhoneCountriesEvent $event) {
    $countries = $event->countries;
    // ...

Predefined Field Options#

The registerPredefinedOptions event#

The event that is triggered for registering predefined options for Dropdown, Radio Button and Checkboxes fields.

use verbb\formie\events\RegisterPredefinedOptionsEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\PredefinedOptions;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(PredefinedOptions::class, PredefinedOptions::EVENT_REGISTER_PREDEFINED_OPTIONS, function(RegisterPredefinedOptionsEvent $event) {
    $event->options[] = CustomOptions::class;

Synced Field Events#

The beforeSaveSyncedField event#

The event that is triggered before a synced field is saved.

use verbb\formie\events\SyncedFieldEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Syncs;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Syncs::class, Syncs::EVENT_BEFORE_SAVE_SYNCED_FIELD, function(SyncedFieldEvent $event) {
    $field = $event->field;
    // ...

The afterSaveSyncedField event#

The event that is triggered after a synced field is saved.

use verbb\formie\events\SyncedFieldEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Syncs;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Syncs::class, Syncs::EVENT_AFTER_SAVE_SYNCED_FIELD, function(SyncedFieldEvent $event) {
    $field = $event->field;
    // ...

Submission Status Events#

The beforeSaveStatus event#

The event that is triggered before a submission status is saved.

use verbb\formie\events\StatusEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Statuses;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Statuses::class, Statuses::EVENT_BEFORE_SAVE_STATUS, function(StatusEvent $event) {
    $status = $event->status;
    $isNew = $event->isNew;
    // ...

The afterSaveStatus event#

The event that is triggered after a submission status is saved.

use verbb\formie\events\StatusEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Statuses;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Statuses::class, Statuses::EVENT_AFTER_SAVE_STATUS, function(StatusEvent $event) {
    $status = $event->status;
    $isNew = $event->isNew;
    // ...

The beforeDeleteStatus event#

The event that is triggered before a submission status is deleted.

use verbb\formie\events\StatusEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Statuses;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Statuses::class, Statuses::EVENT_BEFORE_DELETE_STATUS, function(StatusEvent $event) {
    $status = $event->status;
    // ...

The beforeApplyStatusDelete event#

The event that is triggered before a submission status is deleted.

use verbb\formie\events\StatusEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Statuses;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Statuses::class, Statuses::EVENT_BEFORE_APPLY_STATUS_DELETE, function(StatusEvent $event) {
    $status = $event->status;
    // ...

The afterDeleteStatus event#

The event that is triggered after a submission status is deleted.

use verbb\formie\events\StatusEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Statuses;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Statuses::class, Statuses::EVENT_AFTER_DELETE_STATUS, function(StatusEvent $event) {
    $status = $event->status;
    // ...

Notification Events#

The beforeSaveNotification event#

The event that is triggered before an email notification is saved.

use verbb\formie\events\NotificationEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Notifications;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Notifications::class, Notifications::EVENT_BEFORE_SAVE_NOTIFICATION, function(NotificationEvent $event) {
    $notification = $event->notification;
    $isNew = $event->isNew;
    // ...

The afterSaveNotification event#

The event that is triggered after an email notification is saved.

use verbb\formie\events\NotificationEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Notifications;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Notifications::class, Notifications::EVENT_AFTER_SAVE_NOTIFICATION, function(NotificationEvent $event) {
    $notification = $event->notification;
    $isNew = $event->isNew;
    // ...

The beforeDeleteNotification event#

The event that is triggered before an email notification is deleted.

use verbb\formie\events\NotificationEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Notifications;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Notifications::class, Notifications::EVENT_BEFORE_DELETE_NOTIFICATION, function(NotificationEvent $event) {
    $notification = $event->notification;
    // ...

The afterDeleteNotification event#

The event that is triggered after an email notification is deleted.

use verbb\formie\events\NotificationEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Notifications;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Notifications::class, Notifications::EVENT_AFTER_DELETE_NOTIFICATION, function(NotificationEvent $event) {
    $notification = $event->notification;
    // ...

The modifyExistingNotifications event#

The event that is triggered to allow modifying of available existing notifications to select from.

use verbb\formie\events\ModifyExistingNotificationsEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Notifications;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Notifications::class, Notifications::EVENT_MODIFY_EXISTING_NOTIFICATIONS, function(ModifyExistingNotificationsEvent $event) {
    $notifications = $event->notifications;
    // ...

Email Events#

The modifyRenderVariables event#

The event that is triggered to allow modification of the render variables used in templates.

use craft\helpers\Template;
use verbb\formie\events\MailRenderEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Emails;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Emails::class, Emails::EVENT_MODIFY_RENDER_VARIABLES, function(MailRenderEvent $event) {
    $email = $event->email;
    $submission = $event->submission;
    $notification = $event->notification;
    $renderVariables = $event->renderVariables;

    // Modify the "Content HTML" as defined in the email notification settings
    // Ensure that you provide "raw" HTML for `contentHtml`.
    $event->renderVariables['contentHtml'] = Template::raw('<p>Override Text</p>');

The beforeRenderEmail event#

The event that is triggered before an email is rendered.

use verbb\formie\events\MailEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Emails;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Emails::class, Emails::EVENT_BEFORE_RENDER_EMAIL, function(MailEvent $event) {
    $email = $event->email;
    $submission = $event->submission;
    $notification = $event->notification;
    // ...

The afterRenderEmail event#

The event that is triggered after an email is rendered.

use verbb\formie\events\MailEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Emails;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Emails::class, Emails::EVENT_AFTER_RENDER_EMAIL, function(MailEvent $event) {
    $email = $event->email;
    $submission = $event->submission;
    $notification = $event->notification;
    // ...

The beforeSendEmail event#

The event that is triggered before an email is sent.

use verbb\formie\events\MailEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Emails;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Emails::class, Emails::EVENT_BEFORE_SEND_MAIL, function(MailEvent $event) {
    $email = $event->email;
    $submission = $event->submission;
    $notification = $event->notification;
    // ...

The afterSendEmail event#

The event that is triggered after an email is sent.

use verbb\formie\events\MailEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Emails;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Emails::class, Emails::EVENT_AFTER_SEND_MAIL, function(MailEvent $event) {
    $email = $event->email;
    $submission = $event->submission;
    $notification = $event->notification;
    // ...

Email Template Events#

The beforeSaveEmailTemplate event#

The event that is triggered before an email template is saved.

use verbb\formie\events\EmailTemplateEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\EmailTemplates;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(EmailTemplates::class, EmailTemplates::EVENT_BEFORE_SAVE_EMAIL_TEMPLATE, function(EmailTemplateEvent $event) {
    $template = $event->template;
    $isNew = $event->isNew;
    // ...

The afterSaveEmailTemplate event#

The event that is triggered after an email template is saved.

use verbb\formie\events\EmailTemplateEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\EmailTemplates;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(EmailTemplates::class, EmailTemplates::EVENT_AFTER_SAVE_EMAIL_TEMPLATE, function(EmailTemplateEvent $event) {
    $template = $event->template;
    $isNew = $event->isNew;
    // ...

The beforeDeleteEmailTemplate event#

The event that is triggered before an email template is deleted.

use verbb\formie\events\EmailTemplateEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\EmailTemplates;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(EmailTemplates::class, EmailTemplates::EVENT_BEFORE_DELETE_EMAIL_TEMPLATE, function(EmailTemplateEvent $event) {
    $template = $event->template;
    // ...

The beforeApplyEmailTemplateDelete event#

The event that is triggered before an email template is deleted.

use verbb\formie\events\EmailTemplateEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\EmailTemplates;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(EmailTemplates::class, EmailTemplates::EVENT_BEFORE_APPLY_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DELETE, function(EmailTemplateEvent $event) {
    $template = $event->template;
    // ...

The afterDeleteEmailTemplate event#

The event that is triggered after an email template is deleted.

use verbb\formie\events\EmailTemplateEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\EmailTemplates;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(EmailTemplates::class, EmailTemplates::EVENT_AFTER_DELETE_EMAIL_TEMPLATE, function(EmailTemplateEvent $event) {
    $template = $event->template;
    // ...

Form Template Events#

The beforeSaveFormTemplate event#

The event that is triggered before an email template is saved.

use verbb\formie\events\FormTemplateEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\FormTemplates;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(FormTemplates::class, FormTemplates::EVENT_BEFORE_SAVE_FORM_TEMPLATE, function(FormTemplateEvent $event) {
    $template = $event->template;
    $isNew = $event->isNew;
    // ...

The afterSaveFormTemplate event#

The event that is triggered after an email template is saved.

use verbb\formie\events\FormTemplateEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\FormTemplates;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(FormTemplates::class, FormTemplates::EVENT_AFTER_SAVE_FORM_TEMPLATE, function(FormTemplateEvent $event) {
    $template = $event->template;
    $isNew = $event->isNew;
    // ...

The beforeDeleteFormTemplate event#

The event that is triggered before an email template is deleted.

use verbb\formie\events\FormTemplateEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\FormTemplates;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(FormTemplates::class, FormTemplates::EVENT_BEFORE_DELETE_FORM_TEMPLATE, function(FormTemplateEvent $event) {
    $template = $event->template;
    // ...

The beforeApplyFormTemplateDelete event#

The event that is triggered before an email template is deleted.

use verbb\formie\events\FormTemplateEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\FormTemplates;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(FormTemplates::class, FormTemplates::EVENT_BEFORE_APPLY_FORM_TEMPLATE_DELETE, function(FormTemplateEvent $event) {
    $template = $event->template;
    // ...

The afterDeleteFormTemplate event#

The event that is triggered after an email template is deleted.

use verbb\formie\events\FormTemplateEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\FormTemplates;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(FormTemplates::class, FormTemplates::EVENT_AFTER_DELETE_FORM_TEMPLATE, function(FormTemplateEvent $event) {
    $template = $event->template;
    // ...

PDF Template Events#

The beforeSavePdfTemplate event#

The event that is triggered before a pdf template is saved.

use verbb\formie\events\PdfTemplateEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\PdfTemplates;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(PdfTemplates::class, PdfTemplates::EVENT_BEFORE_SAVE_PDF_TEMPLATE, function(PdfTemplateEvent $event) {
    $template = $event->template;
    $isNew = $event->isNew;
    // ...

The afterSavePdfTemplate event#

The event that is triggered after a pdf template is saved.

use verbb\formie\events\PdfTemplateEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\PdfTemplates;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(PdfTemplates::class, PdfTemplates::EVENT_AFTER_SAVE_PDF_TEMPLATE, function(PdfTemplateEvent $event) {
    $template = $event->template;
    $isNew = $event->isNew;
    // ...

The beforeDeletePdfTemplate event#

The event that is triggered before a pdf template is deleted.

use verbb\formie\events\PdfTemplateEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\PdfTemplates;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(PdfTemplates::class, PdfTemplates::EVENT_BEFORE_DELETE_PDF_TEMPLATE, function(PdfTemplateEvent $event) {
    $template = $event->template;
    // ...

The beforeApplyPdfTemplateDelete event#

The event that is triggered before a pdf template is deleted.

use verbb\formie\events\PdfTemplateEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\PdfTemplates;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(PdfTemplates::class, PdfTemplates::EVENT_BEFORE_APPLY_PDF_TEMPLATE_DELETE, function(PdfTemplateEvent $event) {
    $template = $event->template;
    // ...

The afterDeletePdfTemplate event#

The event that is triggered after a pdf template is deleted.

use verbb\formie\events\PdfTemplateEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\PdfTemplates;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(PdfTemplates::class, PdfTemplates::EVENT_AFTER_DELETE_PDF_TEMPLATE, function(PdfTemplateEvent $event) {
    $template = $event->template;
    // ...

The beforeRenderPdf event#

The event that is triggered before a PDF is rendered. You can provide a pdf property to return a custom-rendered PDF.

use verbb\formie\events\PdfEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\PdfTemplates;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(PdfTemplates::class, PdfTemplates::EVENT_BEFORE_RENDER_PDF, function(PdfEvent $event) {
    $template = $event->template;
    $variables = $event->variables;

    // Override the template to your own
    $event->template = 'my-template-path';

    // Add your own variables for use in your PDF template
    $event->variables['myVariable'] = 'test';

The afterRenderPdf event#

The event that is triggered after a PDF is rendered.

use verbb\formie\events\PdfEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\PdfTemplates;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(PdfTemplates::class, PdfTemplates::EVENT_AFTER_RENDER_PDF, function(PdfEvent $event) {
    $template = $event->template;
    $variables = $event->variables;
    $pdf = $event->pdf;

The modifyRenderOptions event#

The event that is triggered to modify DOMPDF options before a PDF is rendered.

use verbb\formie\events\PdfRenderOptionsEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\PdfTemplates;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(PdfTemplates::class, PdfTemplates::EVENT_MODIFY_RENDER_OPTIONS, function(PdfRenderOptionsEvent $event) {
    $renderOptions = $event->renderOptions;

Integration Events#

The registerFormieIntegrations event#

The event that is triggered for registering integrations.

use verbb\formie\events\RegisterIntegrationsEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Integrations;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Integrations::class, Integrations::EVENT_REGISTER_INTEGRATIONS, function(RegisterIntegrationsEvent $event) {
    $event->captchas[] = ExampleCaptcha::class;
    $event->addressProviders[] = ExampleAddressProvider::class;
    $event->elements[] = ExampleElement::class;
    $event->emailMarketing[] = ExampleEmailMarketing::class;
    $event->crm[] = ExampleCrm::class;
    $event->webhooks[] = ExampleWebhook::class;
    $event->miscellaneous[] = ExampleMiscellaneous::class;
    $event->payments[] = ExamplePayment::class;
    // ...

The modifyFormIntegrations event#

The event that is triggered when all enabled integrations for a form is prepared for the front-end. This does not change the settings shown for the integration in the form builder.

use verbb\formie\events\ModifyFormIntegrationsEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Integrations;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Integrations::class, Integrations::EVENT_MODIFY_FORM_INTEGRATIONS, function(ModifyFormIntegrationsEvent $event) {
    $integrations = $event->integrations;
    // ...

The modifyFormIntegration event#

The event that is triggered when an integration instance is created for a form. If you want to modify the settings of an integration for a form, this would be a good event to do so.

use verbb\formie\events\ModifyFormIntegrationEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Integrations;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Integrations::class, Integrations::EVENT_MODIFY_FORM_INTEGRATION, function(ModifyFormIntegrationEvent $event) {
    $integration = $event->integration;
    // ...

The beforeSaveIntegration event#

The event that is triggered before an integration is saved.

use verbb\formie\events\IntegrationEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Integrations;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Integrations::class, Integrations::EVENT_BEFORE_SAVE_INTEGRATION, function(IntegrationEvent $event) {
    $integration = $event->integration;
    $isNew = $event->isNew;
    // ...

The afterSaveIntegration event#

The event that is triggered after an integration is saved.

use verbb\formie\events\IntegrationEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Integrations;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Integrations::class, Integrations::EVENT_AFTER_SAVE_INTEGRATION, function(IntegrationEvent $event) {
    $integration = $event->integration;
    $isNew = $event->isNew;
    // ...

The beforeDeleteIntegration event#

The event that is triggered before an integration is deleted

use verbb\formie\events\IntegrationEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Integrations;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Integrations::class, Integrations::EVENT_BEFORE_DELETE_INTEGRATION, function(IntegrationEvent $event) {
    $integration = $event->integration;
    // ...

The beforeApplyIntegrationDelete event#

The event that is triggered before an integration delete is applied to the database.

use verbb\formie\events\IntegrationEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Integrations;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Integrations::class, Integrations::EVENT_BEFORE_APPLY_INTEGRATION_DELETE, function(IntegrationEvent $event) {
    $integration = $event->integration;
    // ...

The afterDeleteIntegration event#

The event that is triggered after an integration is deleted

use verbb\formie\events\IntegrationEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Integrations;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Integrations::class, Integrations::EVENT_AFTER_DELETE_INTEGRATION, function(IntegrationEvent $event) {
    $integration = $event->integration;
    // ...

Integration Payload Events#

The below events are examples using the Mailchimp class, but any class that inherits from the verbb\formie\base\Integration class can use these events.

The beforeSendPayload event#

The event that is triggered before an integration sends its payload.

The isValid event property can be set to false to prevent the payload from being sent.

use verbb\formie\events\SendIntegrationPayloadEvent;
use verbb\formie\integrations\emailmarketing\Mailchimp;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Mailchimp::class, Mailchimp::EVENT_BEFORE_SEND_PAYLOAD, function(SendIntegrationPayloadEvent $event) {
    $submission = $event->submission;
    $payload = $event->payload;
    $integration = $event->integration;
    $endpoint = $event->endpoint;
    $method = $event->method;
    // ...

The afterSendPayload event#

The event that is triggered after an integration sends its payload.

The isValid event property can be set to false to flag a payload-sending response.

use verbb\formie\events\SendIntegrationPayloadEvent;
use verbb\formie\integrations\emailmarketing\Mailchimp;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Mailchimp::class, Mailchimp::EVENT_AFTER_SEND_PAYLOAD, function(SendIntegrationPayloadEvent $event) {
    $submission = $event->submission;
    $payload = $event->payload;
    $integration = $event->integration;
    $response = $event->response;
    // ...

The modifyPaymentPayload event#

The event that is triggered for Payment integrations, before sends its payload to the provider. Each provider may provide different events and objects to modify as part of the payment process.

use verbb\formie\events\ModifyPaymentPayloadEvent;
use verbb\formie\integrations\payments\Stripe;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Stripe::class, Stripe::EVENT_MODIFY_SINGLE_PAYLOAD, function(ModifyPaymentPayloadEvent $event) {
    $submission = $event->submission;
    $payload = $event->payload;
    $integration = $event->integration;

    // Modify the payload sent to Stripe for a single payment

Event::on(Stripe::class, Stripe::EVENT_MODIFY_SUBSCRIPTION_PAYLOAD, function(ModifyPaymentPayloadEvent $event) {
    $submission = $event->submission;
    $payload = $event->payload;
    $integration = $event->integration;

    // Modify the payload sent to Stripe for a subscription payment

Event::on(Stripe::class, Stripe::EVENT_MODIFY_PLAN_PAYLOAD, function(ModifyPaymentPayloadEvent $event) {
    $submission = $event->submission;
    $payload = $event->payload;
    $integration = $event->integration;

    // Modify the payload sent to Stripe for a subscription payment, when creating the plan

Integration Connection Events#

The below events an example using the Mailchimp class, but any class that inherits from the verbb\formie\base\Integration class can use these events.

The beforeCheckConnection event#

The event that is triggered before an integration has checked its connection.

The isValid event property can be set to false to prevent the payload from being sent.

use verbb\formie\events\IntegrationConnectionEvent;
use verbb\formie\integrations\emailmarketing\Mailchimp;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Mailchimp::class, Mailchimp::EVENT_BEFORE_CHECK_CONNECTION, function(IntegrationConnectionEvent $event) {
    $integration = $event->integration;
    // ...

The afterCheckConnection event#

The event that is triggered after an integration has checked its connection.

use verbb\formie\events\IntegrationConnectionEvent;
use verbb\formie\integrations\emailmarketing\Mailchimp;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Mailchimp::class, Mailchimp::EVENT_AFTER_CHECK_CONNECTION, function(IntegrationConnectionEvent $event) {
    $integration = $event->integration;
    $success = $event->success;
    // ...

Integration Form Settings Events#

The below events an example using the Mailchimp class, but any class that inherits from the verbb\formie\base\Integration class can use these events.

The beforeFetchFormSettings event#

The event that is triggered before an integration fetches its available settings for the form settings.

The isValid event property can be set to false to prevent the payload from being sent.

use verbb\formie\events\IntegrationFormSettingsEvent;
use verbb\formie\integrations\emailmarketing\Mailchimp;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Mailchimp::class, Mailchimp::EVENT_BEFORE_FETCH_FORM_SETTINGS, function(IntegrationFormSettingsEvent $event) {
    $integration = $event->integration;
    // ...

The afterFetchFormSettings event#

The event that is triggered after an integration fetches its available settings for the form settings.

use verbb\formie\events\IntegrationFormSettingsEvent;
use verbb\formie\integrations\emailmarketing\Mailchimp;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Mailchimp::class, Mailchimp::EVENT_AFTER_FETCH_FORM_SETTINGS, function(IntegrationFormSettingsEvent $event) {
    $integration = $event->integration;
    $settings = $event->settings;
    // ...

The modifyMappedFieldValue event#

The event that is triggered when parsing the field value made during submission to the field mapped in the provider. Using this event allows you to modify how Formie translates content from Craft into the third-party provider.

use verbb\formie\events\ModifyFieldIntegrationValueEvent;
use verbb\formie\integrations\emailmarketing\Mailchimp;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Mailchimp::class, Mailchimp::EVENT_MODIFY_FIELD_MAPPING_VALUE, function(ModifyFieldIntegrationValueEvent $event) {
    $integrationField = $event->integrationField;
    $field = $event->field;
    $value = $event->value;
    $submission = $event->submission;
    $integration = $event->integration;

    if ($field->handle === 'myFieldHandle') {
        $event->value = 'An overridden value';

The modifyMappedFieldValues event#

The event that is triggered when parsing all the mapped values made during submission to the provider. Using this event allows you to modify how Formie translates content from Craft into the third-party provider.

use verbb\formie\events\ModifyFieldIntegrationValuesEvent;
use verbb\formie\integrations\emailmarketing\Mailchimp;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Mailchimp::class, Mailchimp::EVENT_MODIFY_FIELD_MAPPING_VALUES, function(ModifyFieldIntegrationValuesEvent $event) {
    $fieldValues = $event->fieldValues;
    $submission = $event->submission;
    $fieldMapping = $event->fieldMapping;
    $fieldSettings = $event->fieldSettings;
    $integration = $event->integration;

Integration OAuth Events#

The afterOauthCallback event#

use verbb\formie\controllers\IntegrationsController;
use verbb\formie\events\OauthTokenEvent;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(IntegrationsController::class, IntegrationsController::EVENT_AFTER_OAUTH_CALLBACK, function(OauthTokenEvent $event) {
    $token = $event->token;
    // ...

The beforeSaveToken event#

The event that is triggered before an integration token is saved.

use verbb\formie\events\TokenEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Tokens;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Tokens::class, Tokens::EVENT_BEFORE_SAVE_TOKEN, function(TokenEvent $event) {
    $token = $event->token;
    $isNew = $event->isNew;
    // ...

The afterSaveToken event#

The event that is triggered after an integration token is saved.

use verbb\formie\events\TokenEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Tokens;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Tokens::class, Tokens::EVENT_AFTER_SAVE_TOKEN, function(TokenEvent $event) {
    $token = $event->token;
    $isNew = $event->isNew;
    // ...

The beforeDeleteToken event#

The event that is triggered before an integration token is deleted.

use verbb\formie\events\TokenEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Tokens;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Tokens::class, Tokens::EVENT_BEFORE_DELETE_TOKEN, function(TokenEvent $event) {
    $token = $event->token;
    // ...

The afterDeleteToken event#

The event that is triggered after an integration token is deleted.

use verbb\formie\events\TokenEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Tokens;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Tokens::class, Tokens::EVENT_AFTER_DELETE_TOKEN, function(TokenEvent $event) {
    $token = $event->token;
    // ...

Address Provider Integration Events#

The modifyAddressProviderHtml event#

The event that is triggered after an address provider has its HTML generated. You are able to modify its HTML.

use verbb\formie\events\ModifyAddressProviderHtmlEvent;
use verbb\formie\integrations\addressproviders\AddressFinder;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(AddressFinder::class, AddressFinder::EVENT_MODIFY_ADDRESS_PROVIDER_HTML, function(ModifyAddressProviderHtmlEvent $event) {
    $html = $event->html;
    // ...

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Events#

The modifyRequiredLevels event#

The event that is triggered to allow modification of the fields that are marked as required during field mapping in the model.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 has four AttributeRequiredLevel values (opens new window). By default SystemRequired and ApplicationRequired fields will be marked as mandatory in the field mapping model. You can override this, by passing a specific array of values.

You should always provide at minimum SystemRequired fields to avoid API errors. ApplicationRequired values can technically be bypassed through the API, but will be defined as Business Rules within Microsoft Dynamics 365. You can also do the reverse and also force Recommended values, however this will usually require a lot of unnecessary fields to be mapped.

use verbb\formie\events\MicrosoftDynamics365RequiredLevelsEvent;
use verbb\formie\integrations\crm\MicrosoftDynamics365;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(MicrosoftDynamics365::class, MicrosoftDynamics365::EVENT_MODIFY_REQUIRED_LEVELS, function(MicrosoftDynamics365RequiredLevelsEvent $event) {
    // Set required level to SystemRequired only
    $event->requiredLevels = ['SystemRequired'];

The modifyTargetSchemas event#

The event that is triggered to allow modification of the target schemas when populating lookup/relational fields.

Formie populates lookup/relational field values of the common standard entities, but this event gives you a chance to modify the standard entities along with populating any custom entities in the mapping.

Any modifications made to the standard entities such as systemuser or campaign will be merged and overwritten with the values from the event.

The following additional parameters are available for each entity:

  • expand - For more complex queries related to one or more entities
  • filter - Specify a filter to modify the returned values
  • limit - Set the amount of values to return (defaults to 100 if not specifically set)
  • orderby - Order the returned values by a specific criteria e.g. name asc

When using the limit option. Be mindful of the performance impact when refreshing the integration.

use verbb\formie\events\MicrosoftDynamics365TargetSchemasEvent;
use verbb\formie\integrations\crm\MicrosoftDynamics365;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(MicrosoftDynamics365::class, MicrosoftDynamics365::EVENT_MODIFY_TARGET_SCHEMAS, function(MicrosoftDynamics365TargetSchemasEvent $event) {
    $event->targetSchemas = [
        'systemuser' => [
            // Filter to modify the returned values
            'filter' => 'isdisabled eq false and invitestatuscode eq 4 or accessmode eq 4',
        // Set the order to be something more logical for this entity and allow more than 100 values
        'campaign' => [
            'orderby' => 'createdon desc',
            'limit' => '150'
        // A custom entity
        'ccl1000_enquirytype' => [
            'entity' => 'ccl1000_enquirytypes',
            'label' => 'ccl1000_name',
            'value' => 'ccl1000_enquirytypeid'

Webhook Integration Events#

The modifyWebhookPayload event#

The event that is triggered to allow modification of the payload sent to your defined webhook URL.

use verbb\formie\events\ModifyWebhookPayloadEvent;
use verbb\formie\integrations\webhooks\Zapier;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Zapier::class, Zapier::EVENT_MODIFY_WEBHOOK_PAYLOAD, function(ModifyWebhookPayloadEvent $event) {
    $payload = $event->payload;
    $submission = $event->submission;
    // ...

Miscellaneous Integration Events#

The modifyMiscellaneousPayload event#

The event that is triggered to allow modification of the payload sent to the integration provider.

use verbb\formie\events\ModifyMiscellaneousPayloadEvent;
use verbb\formie\integrations\miscellaneous\GoogleSheets;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(GoogleSheets::class, GoogleSheets::EVENT_MODIFY_MISCELLANEOUS_PAYLOAD, function(ModifyMiscellaneousPayloadEvent $event) {
    $payload = $event->payload;
    $submission = $event->submission;
    // ...

Stencil Events#

The beforeSaveStencil event#

The event that is triggered before a stencil is saved.

use verbb\formie\events\StencilEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Stencils;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Stencils::class, Stencils::EVENT_BEFORE_SAVE_STENCIL, function(StencilEvent $event) {
    $stencil = $event->stencil;
    $isNew = $event->isNew;
    // ...

The afterSaveStencil event#

The event that is triggered after a stencil is saved.

use verbb\formie\events\StencilEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Stencils;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Stencils::class, Stencils::EVENT_AFTER_SAVE_STENCIL, function(StencilEvent $event) {
    $stencil = $event->stencil;
    $isNew = $event->isNew;
    // ...

The beforeDeleteStencil event#

The event that is triggered before a stencil is deleted.

use verbb\formie\events\StencilEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Stencils;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Stencils::class, Stencils::EVENT_BEFORE_DELETE_STENCIL, function(StencilEvent $event) {
    $stencil = $event->stencil;
    // ...

The beforeApplyStencilDelete event#

The event that is triggered before a stencil is deleted.

use verbb\formie\events\StencilEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Stencils;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Stencils::class, Stencils::EVENT_BEFORE_APPLY_STENCIL_DELETE, function(StencilEvent $event) {
    $stencil = $event->stencil;
    // ...

The afterDeleteStencil event#

The event that is triggered after a stencil is deleted.

use verbb\formie\events\StencilEvent;
use verbb\formie\services\Stencils;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Stencils::class, Stencils::EVENT_AFTER_DELETE_STENCIL, function(StencilEvent $event) {
    $stencil = $event->stencil;
    // ...

Migration Events#

The modifyField event#

The event that is triggered during a migration (from Sprout Forms or Freeform), trying to map the respective third-party field to a Formie field. The field variable represents the Sprout Forms or Freeform field, and newField represents the Formie equivalent field.

You can use this event to custom Sprout Forms or Freeform field to a field Formie can understand.

use verbb\formie\events\ModifyMigrationFieldEvent;
use verbb\formie\migrations\MigrateFreeform4;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(MigrateFreeform4::class, MigrateFreeform4::EVENT_MODIFY_FIELD, function(ModifyMigrationFieldEvent $event) {
    $field = $event->field;
    $newField = $event->newField;
    // ...

use verbb\formie\events\ModifyMigrationFieldEvent;
use verbb\formie\migrations\MigrateSproutForms;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(MigrateSproutForms::class, MigrateSproutForms::EVENT_MODIFY_FIELD, function(ModifyMigrationFieldEvent $event) {
    $field = $event->field;
    $newField = $event->newField;
    // ...

Variable Events#

The registerVariables event#

The event that is triggered to register additional variables for the variable-picker used in Email Notifications.

use verbb\formie\helpers\Variables;
use verbb\formie\events\RegisterVariablesEvent;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Variables::class, Variables::EVENT_REGISTER_VARIABLES, function(RegisterVariablesEvent $event) {
    $event->variables['custom'][] = [
        'label' => 'Custom',
        'heading' => true,

    $event->variables['custom'][] = [
        'label' => 'Entry Title',
        'value' => 'Some Example Title',

The modifyTwigEnvironment event#

The event that is triggered to modify the allowed items in the Twig Sandbox used to parse some content like Email Notifications.

Formie uses a Twig Sandbox with a limited set of allowed Tags, Filter and Functions. This also extends to the allowed Methods and Properties. This is a security measure to prevent Twig injections into the fields that support Twig.

use verbb\formie\Formie;
use verbb\formie\events\ModifyTwigEnvironmentEvent;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Formie::class, Formie::EVENT_MODIFY_TWIG_ENVIRONMENT, function(ModifyTwigEnvironmentEvent $event) {
    // Add allowed Twig Tags
    $event->allowedTags[] = [

    // Add allowed Twig Filters
    $event->allowedFilters[] = [

    // Add allowed Twig Functions
    $event->allowedFunctions[] = [

    // Add allowed methods
    // i.e. to allow ``
    $event->allowedMethods[\craft\web\twig\variables\CraftVariable::class] = 'entries';
    $event->allowedMethods[\craft\elements\db\ElementQuery::class] = 'one';

    // Add allowed properties
    $event->allowedProperties[\craft\base\Element::class] = 'title';

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