Custom Source#

You can register your own Source Provider to add support for other analytics platforms, or even extend an existing Source Provider.

namespace modules\sitemodule;

use craft\events\RegisterComponentTypesEvent;
use modules\sitemodule\MySourceProvider;
use verbb\metrix\services\Sources;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Sources::class, Sources::EVENT_REGISTER_SOURCE_TYPES, function(RegisterComponentTypesEvent $event) {
    $event->types[] = MySourceProvider::class;

OAuth Example#

If your provider requires OAuth authentication, create the following class to house your Source Provider logic.

namespace modules\sitemodule;

use Craft;
use Throwable;
use verbb\metrix\Metrix;
use verbb\metrix\base\OAuthSource;
use verbb\metrix\base\Period;
use verbb\metrix\base\WidgetDataInterface;

use DateTime;

use League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\SomeProvider;

class MySourceProvider extends OAuthSource
    // Static Methods
    // =========================================================================

    public static function displayName(): string
        return 'My Source Provider';

    public static function getOAuthProviderClass(): string
        return SomeProvider::class;

    // Properties
    // =========================================================================

    public static string $providerHandle = 'mySourceProvider';

    // Public Methods
    // =========================================================================

    public function getPrimaryColor(): ?string
        return '#000000';

    public function getIcon(): ?string
        return '<svg>...</svg>';

    public function getSettingsHtml(): ?string
        return Craft::$app->getView()->renderTemplate('my-module/my-source/settings', [
            'source' => $this,

    public function fetchAvailableMetrics(): array
        return [
            ['label' => Craft::t('metrix', 'Requests'), 'value' => 'requests'],
            ['label' => Craft::t('metrix', 'Page Views'), 'value' => 'pageViews'],
            ['label' => Craft::t('metrix', 'Bandwidth'), 'value' => 'bandwidth'],
            ['label' => Craft::t('metrix', 'Threats'), 'value' => 'threats'],

    public function fetchAvailableDimensions(): array
        return [
            ['label' => Craft::t('metrix', 'Country'), 'value' => 'country'],
            ['label' => Craft::t('metrix', 'Browser'), 'value' => 'browser'],

    public function fetchData(WidgetDataInterface $widgetData): array
        $dateRange = $widgetData->period::getCurrentDateRange();

        $response = $this->request('POST', 'data', [
            'json' => [
                'metric' => $widgetData->metric,
                'dimension' => $widgetData->dimension,
                'date_grouping' => $this->_getIntervalDimension($widgetData),
                'start_date' => $dateRange['start']->format('Y-m-d'),
                'end_date' => $dateRange['end']->format('Y-m-d'),

        $data = [];

        foreach ($response as $result) {
            $data[$result['date']] = $result[$widgetData->metric];

        return $data;

    // Private Methods
    // =========================================================================

    private function _getIntervalDimension(WidgetDataInterface $widgetData): string
        $intervalDimension = $widgetData->period::getIntervalDimension();

        if ($intervalDimension === Period::INTERVAL_HOUR) {
            return 'hour';

        if ($intervalDimension === Period::INTERVAL_MONTH) {
            return 'month';

        return 'day';

This is the minimum amount of implementation required for a typical source provider.

Metrix OAuth source providers are built around the Auth (opens new window) which in turn is built around league/oauth2-client (opens new window). You can see that the getOAuthProviderClass() must return a League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\AbstractProvider class.

Credentials Example#

If your provider requires non-OAuth authentication, like API keys or tokens, create the following class to house your Source Provider logic.

namespace modules\sitemodule;

use Craft;
use Throwable;
use verbb\metrix\Metrix;
use verbb\metrix\base\CredentialsSource;
use verbb\metrix\base\Period;
use verbb\metrix\base\WidgetDataInterface;

use DateTime;
use Throwable;

use GuzzleHttp\Client;

class MySourceProvider extends CredentialsSource
    // Static Methods
    // =========================================================================

    public static function displayName(): string
        return 'My Source Provider';

    // Properties
    // =========================================================================

    public static string $providerHandle = 'mySourceProvider';

    // Public Methods
    // =========================================================================

    public function getPrimaryColor(): ?string
        return '#000000';

    public function getIcon(): ?string
        return '<svg>...</svg>';

    public function getSettingsHtml(): ?string
        return Craft::$app->getView()->renderTemplate('my-module/my-source/settings', [
            'source' => $this,

    public function fetchAvailableMetrics(): array
        return [
            ['label' => Craft::t('metrix', 'Requests'), 'value' => 'requests'],
            ['label' => Craft::t('metrix', 'Page Views'), 'value' => 'pageViews'],
            ['label' => Craft::t('metrix', 'Bandwidth'), 'value' => 'bandwidth'],
            ['label' => Craft::t('metrix', 'Threats'), 'value' => 'threats'],

    public function fetchAvailableDimensions(): array
        return [
            ['label' => Craft::t('metrix', 'Country'), 'value' => 'country'],
            ['label' => Craft::t('metrix', 'Browser'), 'value' => 'browser'],

    public function fetchData(WidgetDataInterface $widgetData): array
        $dateRange = $widgetData->period::getCurrentDateRange();

        $response = $this->request('POST', 'data', [
            'json' => [
                'metric' => $widgetData->metric,
                'dimension' => $widgetData->dimension,
                'date_grouping' => $this->_getIntervalDimension($widgetData),
                'start_date' => $dateRange['start']->format('Y-m-d'),
                'end_date' => $dateRange['end']->format('Y-m-d'),

        $data = [];

        foreach ($response as $result) {
            $data[$result['date']] = $result[$widgetData->metric];

        return $data;

    public function fetchConnection(): bool
        try {
            $this->request('GET', 'me');
        } catch (Throwable $e) {
            self::apiError($this, $e);

            return false;

        return true;

    public function getClient(): Client
        if ($this->_client) {
            return $this->_client;

        return $this->_client = Craft::createGuzzleClient([
            'base_uri' => '',
            'headers' => ['Authorization' => 'Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'],

    // Private Methods
    // =========================================================================

    private function _getIntervalDimension(WidgetDataInterface $widgetData): string
        $intervalDimension = $widgetData->period::getIntervalDimension();

        if ($intervalDimension === Period::INTERVAL_HOUR) {
            return 'hour';

        if ($intervalDimension === Period::INTERVAL_MONTH) {
            return 'month';

        return 'day';

The major different between the two is that you're no longer relying on the Auth (opens new window) package to handle requests (as you don't need to). Instead, you'll need to define a Guzzle client and call $this->request() to make HTTP requests for your source provider.

You should also provide a fetchConnection() function that serves as a way to test the connection to the provider. This allows Metrix to confirm that you've set everything up correctly.

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