

idThe unique identifier for the source.
nameThe name of the source provider.
handleThe handle of the source.
enabledIndicates if the source is enabled.
apiKeyThe API key used for authenticating with the source provider.
siteIdThe identifier for the specific site within the provider's platform.
primaryColorThe primary color associated with the source provider.
iconThe SVG icon for the source provider.
dateCreatedThe timestamp when the source was created.
dateUpdatedThe timestamp when the source was last updated.


isConfigured()Checks whether the source has been configured with valid credentials.
isConnected()Determines if the source is currently connected.
fetchAvailableMetrics()Retrieves a list of available metrics for the source.
fetchAvailableDimensions()Retrieves a list of available dimensions for the source.
fetchData(WidgetDataInterface $widgetData)Retrieves data based on widget and period configurations.
fetchRealtimeData()Retrieves real-time data, if supported by the source.
fetchConnection()Validates the source connection by testing the credentials.

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