Available Variables#

The following methods are available to call in your Twig templates:


The params parameter can be either a string for the Nav handle, or an object of NodeQuery params. You can also chain these same params to this function call.

{# Fetch the `mainMenu` nodes #}
{% set nodes = craft.navigation.nodes('mainMenu').all() %}

{# Chain params to the `nodes()` function #}
{% set nodes = craft.navigation.nodes()
    .all() %}

{# Or, pass them as an object #}
{% set nodes = craft.navigation.nodes({
    handle: 'mainMenu',
    site: 'default',
}).all() %}

See Node Queries

craft.navigation.render(params, options)#

The params parameter can be either a string for the Nav handle, an object of NodeQuery params or a NodeQuery itself.

{# Render the `mainMenu` navigation #}
{{ craft.navigation.render('mainMenu') }}

{# Render the `mainMenu` navigation for the `default` site #}
{{ craft.navigation.render({
    handle: 'mainMenu',
    site: 'default',
}) }}

{# The same as above, but using a `NodeQuery` #}
{% set nodeQuery = craft.navigation.nodes('mainMenu').site('default') %}

{{ craft.navigation.render(nodeQuery) }}

See Rendering Nodes


See Breadcrumbs

craft.navigation.getActiveNode(params, includeChildren)#

The params parameter can be either a string for the Nav handle, an object of NodeQuery params or a NodeQuery itself.

See Rendering Nodes


Returns a full tree structure of nodes as a nested array.

The params parameter can be either a string for the Nav handle, an object of NodeQuery params or a NodeQuery itself.


Returns the navigation for the provided id.


Returns the navigation for the provided handle.

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