
Webhooks are one of the provided integrations with Formie, and are used to forward on a payload of data to a specified URL. This can be useful to send to submission data to third-parties when a form is submitted. The third-party can then perform any number of actions.

The URL can be set at the plugin-settings level, or customised per-form. When editing a form, you can trigger a test payload to be sent, with random-generated data to test your connections to your Webhook URL.

There are 2 types of Webhooks Formie provides.


A general-purpose webhook can be used to send any URL you provide with the payload of content. This can be used to POST-forward content to a URL you choose.

Step 1. Create the Integration#

  1. Navigate to FormieSettingsWebhooks.
  2. Click the New Integration button.
  3. Select Webhook as the Integration Provider.

Step 2. Add your Webhook URL#

  1. Add your URL to the Webhook URL field in Formie.

Step 3. Form Setting & Test Payload#

  1. Go to the form you want to enable this integration on.
  2. Click the Integrations tab.
  3. In the left-hand sidebar, select the name you gave the integration.
  4. Enable the integration and fill out all required fields.
  5. Click Save to save the form.
  6. Click on the Send Test Payload button to send dummy content to the URL.


Follow the below steps to connect to the Zapier API.

Step 1. Create the Integration#

  1. Navigate to FormieSettingsWebhooks.
  2. Click the New Integration button.
  3. Select Zapier as the Integration Provider.

Step 2. Connect to the Zapier API#

  1. Go to Zapier and create a new Zap.
  2. For the Choose App & Event value, enter Webhooks by Zapier.
  3. For the Choose Trigger Event value, enter Catch Hook.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Copy the Custom Webhook URL into the Webhook field in Formie.

Step 3. Form Setting & Test Payload#

  1. Go to the form you want to enable this integration on.
  2. Click the Integrations tab.
  3. In the left-hand sidebar, select the name you gave the integration.
  4. Enable the integration and fill out all required fields.
  5. Click Save to save the form.
  6. Click on the Send Test Payload button to send dummy content to the URL.


Data sent to these nominated URL‘s is in the form of a JSON payload, and contains information about your form and submission.

An example payload would look something like:

                "date":"2020-08-14 22:33:48.000000",
                "date":"2020-08-30 11:40:38.000000",
            "text":"Natus ex sint aut et. Laudantium aut voluptas necessitatibus mollitia. Dolorum aut officiis ea.",
            "email":"[email protected]",
                "Option 2"
            "datetime":"2008-01-10 22:01:29",
            "address":"{\"autocomplete\":null,\"address1\":\"9812 Adolfo Street Apt. 382\\nKassulkeburgh, AZ 14824\",\"address2\":\"1206\",\"address3\":\"Well\",\"city\":\"Adahberg\",\"state\":\"Michigan\",\"zip\":\"73546-4092\",\"country\":\"French Guiana\"}",
                "submitActionMessage":"[{\"type\":\"paragraph\",\"content\":[{\"type\":\"text\",\"text\":\"Submission saved.\"}]}]",
                "errorMessage":"[{\"type\":\"paragraph\",\"content\":[{\"type\":\"text\",\"text\":\"Couldn\u2019t save submission due to errors.\"}]}]",
            "title":"Contact Us",
                "date":"2020-08-14 22:33:48.000000",
                "date":"2020-08-30 11:40:38.000000",

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