
Events can be used to extend the functionality of Gift Voucher.

The beforeRenderPdf event#

Event handlers can override Gift Voucher’s PDF generation by setting the pdf property on the event to a custom-rendered PDF. Plugins can get notified before the PDF or a voucher is being rendered.

use craft\commerce\events\PdfEvent;
use verbb\giftvoucher\services\PdfService as Pdf;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Pdf::class, Pdf::EVENT_BEFORE_RENDER_PDF, function(PdfEvent $e) {
     // Roll out our own custom PDF

The afterRenderPdf event#

Plugins can get notified after the PDF or a voucher has been rendered.

use craft\commerce\events\PdfEvent;
use verbb\giftvoucher\services\PdfService as Pdf;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Pdf::class, Pdf::EVENT_AFTER_RENDER_PDF, function(PdfEvent $e) {
     // Add a watermark to the PDF or forward it to the accounting dpt.

The beforeSaveVoucher event#

Plugins can get notified before a voucher is saved. Event handlers can prevent the voucher from getting sent by setting $event->isValid to false.

use craft\events\ModelEvent;
use verbb\giftvoucher\elements\Voucher;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Voucher::class, Voucher::EVENT_BEFORE_SAVE, function(ModelEvent $e) {
    $voucher = $event->sender;
    $event->isValid = false;

The afterSaveVoucher event#

Plugins can get notified after a voucher has been saved

use craft\events\ModelEvent;
use verbb\giftvoucher\elements\Voucher;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Voucher::class, Voucher::EVENT_AFTER_SAVE, function(ModelEvent $e) {
    $voucher = $event->sender;

The beforeSaveVoucherType event#

Plugins can get notified before a voucher type is being saved.

use verbb\giftvoucher\events\VoucherTypeEvent;
use verbb\giftvoucher\services\VoucherTypesService as VoucherTypes;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(VoucherTypes::class, VoucherTypes::EVENT_BEFORE_SAVE_VOUCHERTYPE, function(VoucherTypeEvent $e) {
     // Maybe create an audit trail of this action.

The afterSaveVoucherType event#

Plugins can get notified after a voucher type has been saved.

use verbb\giftvoucher\events\VoucherTypeEvent;
use verbb\giftvoucher\services\VoucherTypesService as VoucherTypes;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(VoucherTypes::class, VoucherTypes::EVENT_AFTER_SAVE_VOUCHERTYPE, function(VoucherTypeEvent $e) {
     // Maybe prepare some third party system for a new voucher type

The beforeCaptureVoucherSnapshot event#

Plugins can get notified before we capture a voucher's field data, and customize which fields are included.

use verbb\giftvoucher\elements\Voucher;
use verbb\giftvoucher\events\CustomizeVoucherSnapshotFieldsEvent;

Event::on(Voucher::class, Voucher::EVENT_BEFORE_CAPTURE_VOUCHER_SNAPSHOT, function(CustomizeVoucherSnapshotFieldsEvent $e) {
    $voucher = $e->voucher;
    $fields = $e->fields;
    // Modify fields, or set to `null` to capture all.

The afterCaptureVoucherSnapshot event#

Plugins can get notified after we capture a voucher's field data, and customize, extend, or redact the data to be persisted.

use verbb\giftvoucher\elements\Voucher;
use verbb\giftvoucher\events\CustomizeVoucherSnapshotDataEvent;

Event::on(Voucher::class, Voucher::EVENT_AFTER_CAPTURE_VOUCHER_SNAPSHOT, function(CustomizeVoucherSnapshotFieldsEvent $e) {
    $voucher = $e->voucher;
    $data = $e->fieldData;
    // Modify or redact captured `$data`...

The afterVoucherAdjustmentsCreated event#

Plugins can get notified after the discount has been made on an order, and before it returns its adjustments. Event handlers can prevent the voucher from getting sent by setting $event->isValid to false.

use verbb\giftvoucher\adjusters\GiftVoucherAdjuster;
use verbb\giftvoucher\events\VoucherAdjustmentsEvent;

Event::on(GiftVoucherAdjuster::class, GiftVoucherAdjuster::EVENT_AFTER_VOUCHER_ADJUSTMENTS_CREATED, function(VoucherAdjustmentsEvent $e) {


The beforeGenerateCodeKey event#

Plugins get a chance to provide a code key instead of relying on Gift Voucher to generate one.

use verbb\giftvoucher\elements\Code;
use verbb\giftvoucher\events\GenerateCodeEvent;
use verbb\giftvoucher\GiftVoucher;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Code::class, Code::EVENT_GENERATE_CODE_KEY, function(GenerateCodeEvent $e) {
    do {
        $codeKey = // custom key generation logic...
    } while (!GiftVoucher::getInstance()->getCodes()->isCodeKeyUnique($codeKey));

    $e->codeKey = $codeKey;

The beforeSaveCode event#

Plugins can get notified before a code is saved. Event handlers can prevent the code from getting sent by setting $event->isValid to false.

use craft\events\ModelEvent;
use verbb\giftvoucher\elements\Code;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Code::class, Code::EVENT_BEFORE_SAVE, function(ModelEvent $e) {
    $code = $event->sender;
    $event->isValid = false;

The afterSaveCode event#

Plugins can get notified after a code has been saved

use craft\events\ModelEvent;
use verbb\giftvoucher\elements\Code;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Code::class, Code::EVENT_AFTER_SAVE, function(ModelEvent $e) {
    $code = $event->sender;

The beforeSaveRedemption event#

Plugins can get notified before a redemption is saved

use verbb\giftvoucher\events\RedemptionEvent;
use verbb\giftvoucher\services\RedemptionsService as Redemptions;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Redemptions::class, Redemptions::EVENT_BEFORE_SAVE_REDEMPTION, function(RedemptionEvent $e) {
    // Do something

The afterSaveRedemption event#

Plugins can get notified after a redemption has been saved

use verbb\giftvoucher\events\RedemptionEvent;
use verbb\giftvoucher\services\RedemptionsService as Redemptions;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Redemptions::class, Redemptions::EVENT_AFTER_SAVE_REDEMPTION, function(RedemptionEvent $e) {
    // Do something

The beforeDeleteRedemption event#

Plugins can get notified before a redemption is deleted

use verbb\giftvoucher\events\RedemptionEvent;
use verbb\giftvoucher\services\RedemptionsService as Redemptions;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Redemptions::class, Redemptions::EVENT_BEFORE_DELETE_REDEMPTION, function(RedemptionEvent $e) {
    // Do something

The afterDeleteRedemption event#

Plugins can get notified after a redemption has been deleted

use verbb\giftvoucher\events\RedemptionEvent;
use verbb\giftvoucher\services\RedemptionsService as Redemptions;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Redemptions::class, Redemptions::EVENT_AFTER_DELETE_REDEMPTION, function(RedemptionEvent $e) {
    // Do something

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