Redeeming Voucher Codes#

When a customer is provided a gift voucher code, they'll obviously want to be able to use them on your store. The best way for them to enter this code is through a form at your cart.

Use the following template code and add it to your cart page (ideally near the coupon form if you're using that).

{% if cart.getFirstError('voucherCode') %}
    <span class="flash">{{ cart.getFirstError('voucherCode') }}</span>
{% endif %}

<form method="POST">
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="gift-voucher/cart/add-code">
    {{ redirectInput('shop/cart') }}
    {{ csrfInput() }}

    <span class="{% if cart.getFirstError('voucherCode') %}has-error{% endif %}">
        <input type="text" name="voucherCode" width="11" class="{% if cart.getFirstError('voucherCode') %}has-error{% endif %}" placeholder="Voucher Code"/>

    <input type="submit" class="button" value="Apply Voucher"/>

If successful in entering a valid gift voucher code, the users' cart will update, reflecting the discount added to their cart. From this point onwards, its treated as a discount adjuster (opens new window).

Removing Vouchers#

Gift Vouchers support for multiple vouchers needs a way to remove already entered voucher codes. In our cart template (shop/cart.html for example), we have the following code looping through the adjustment items for the order.

{% for code in craft.giftVoucher.getVoucherCodes() %}
    <form method="POST">
        <input type="hidden" name="action" value="gift-voucher/cart/remove-code">
        {{ redirectInput('shop/cart') }}
        {{ csrfInput() }}
        <input type="text" name="voucherCode" width="11" value="{{ code }}">

        <input type="submit" class="button" value="Remove Voucher">
{% endfor %}

Combining Coupons and Vouchers#

Because they're often considered similar in the eyes of customers, you can use the same field in your templates to handle either a gift voucher, or a coupon code. Just use the previous examples, and it'll automatically check if the provided text is a coupon code, and if so, try and apply it against the order.

However, you may want to provide some feedback on the discount (coupon) and the voucher. In order to do this, ensure you're checking for both voucherCode and couponCode errors.

{% if cart.getFirstError('voucherCode') %}
    <span class="flash">{{ cart.getFirstError('voucherCode') }}</span>
{% endif %}

{% if cart.getFirstError('couponCode') %}
    <span class="flash">{{ cart.getFirstError('couponCode') }}</span>
{% endif %}

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