Canada Post#

Shippy provides the following feature support for Canada Post.

  • Rates
  • Tracking
  • Labels

API Credentials#

To use Canada Post, you'll need to connect to their API.

  1. Go to Canada Post Developers Centre and register for API access.
  2. Copy the Customer Number from Canada Post as the customerNumber with the Shippy carrier.
  3. Copy the Username from Canada Post as the username with the Shippy carrier.
  4. Copy the Password from Canada Post as the password with the Shippy carrier.
  5. Copy the Contract ID from Canada Post as the contractId with the Shippy carrier.

To create labels, you'll be required to supply a few more details.

use verbb\shippy\carriers\Canada Post;

new Canada Post([
    'isProduction' => false,
    'username' => '••••••••••••••••',
    'password' => '••••••••••••••••',
    'customerNumber' => '•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••',

    // Required for labels
    'contractId' => '•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••',