
An Address model is used to represent a location for both the sender and delivery of a shipment. It includes the physical address, name, email and phone.


Properties are protected and can be accessed with their getPropertyName() getter method or set via setPropertyName(value) setter method.

firstName?stringThe first name of the sender or receiver.
lastName?stringThe last name of the sender or receiver.
companyName?stringThe company name of the sender or receiver.
email?stringThe email of the sender or receiver.
phone?stringThe phone number of the sender or receiver.
street1?stringThe street address (line 1) of the sender or receiver.
street2?stringThe street address (line 2) of the sender or receiver.
street3?stringThe street address (line 3) of the sender or receiver.
city?stringThe city of the sender or receiver.
postalCode?stringThe postal or zip code of the sender or receiver.
countryCode?stringThe country code of the sender or receiver.
stateProvince?stringThe state or province of the sender or receiver.
isResidentialboolWhether this address is considered residential. Some providers require this definition.