Creating Labels#

Creating labels from a carrier involves a multi-step process:

  1. Create a Shipment model that stores the from/to address for rates.
  2. Create one or more Package models to represent the things you want to ship.
  3. Add one or more Carrier models to fetch rates for.
  4. Select the Rate that you want to use to create a shipment for.
  5. Generate Label models.

With that in mind, let's take a look at an example.

How to Create Labels#

In this example, we want to send a single package and get rates for UPS. The Shipment will fetch rates from both carriers and combine them sorted by cheapest rate to most expensive. We'll then take the first rate and use that to create a shipment label.

use verbb\shippy\carriers\UPS;
use verbb\shippy\models\Address;
use verbb\shippy\models\Package;
use verbb\shippy\models\Shipment;

// Create a shipment to set the from/to address details
$shipment = new Shipment([
    'from' => new Address([
        'street1' => 'One Infinite Loop',
        'city' => 'Cupertino',
        'stateProvince' => 'CA',
        'postalCode' => '95014',
        'countryCode' => 'US',

    'to' => new Address([
        'street1' => '1600 Amphitheatre Parkway',
        'city' => 'Mountain View',
        'stateProvince' => 'CA',
        'postalCode' => '94043',
        'countryCode' => 'US',

// Create a single package (or multiple) to represent what we're sending
$shipment->addPackage(new Package([
    'length' => 300,
    'width' => 100,
    'height' => 80,
    'weight' => 2000,
    'price' => 20,
    'dimensionUnit' => 'mm',
    'weightUnit' => 'g',

// Add the carrier(s) we wish to fetch rates for
$shipment->addCarrier(new UPS([
    'isProduction' => false,
    'clientId' => '•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••',
    'clientSecret' => '•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••',
    'accountNumber' => '••••••',

// Fetch the rates and print the response
$rateResponse = $shipment->getRates();

// Fetch just the first rate (your own logic would handle picking the one you want)
$rate = $rateResponse->getRates()[0] ?? null;

if ($rate) {
    // Crate the labels for the rate
    $labelResponse = $shipment->getLabels($rate);

    echo '<pre>';
    echo '</pre>';

The above will return a LabelResponse model, which will look similar to the following:

verbb\shippy\models\LabelResponse Object
    [labels] => Array
            [0] => verbb\shippy\models\Label Object
                    [rate] => verbb\shippy\models\Rate Object
                            [serviceName] => Express Post
                            [serviceCode] => EXPRESS_POST
                            [rate] => 14.25
                            [currency] => 
                            [deliveryDays] => 
                            [deliveryDate] => 
                            [deliveryDateGuaranteed] => 

                    [trackingNumber] => ••••••••••••
                    [labelId] => 9b4afc22-26af-48e6-be54-46b19a588d9e
                    [labelData] => JVBERi0xLjQKJeLjz9MKMiAwIG9iago8PC9GaWx0ZXI...


    [response] => Array
            [labels] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            // ...



    [errors] => Array


The LabelResponse model contains the labels we're after, the raw response from the carrier's API (if we need it) and any errors encountered.

Looping through labels is a collection of Label models with the tracking number and the all-important labelData value, representing the base64-encoded string of the label image. These are normalised into a consistent object so you can better deal with them in your code.

How to Create Labels with a Rate#

If you already know the serviceCode for a rate, you can skip fetching the rates altogether.

use verbb\shippy\carriers\UPS;
use verbb\shippy\models\Package;
use verbb\shippy\models\Rate;
use verbb\shippy\models\Shipment;

$shipment = new Shipment([
    // ...

$shipment->addPackage(new Package([
    // ...

$carrier = new UPS([
    // ...


$rate = new Rate([
    'carrier' => $carrier,
    'serviceCode' => 'EXPRESS_POST',

$labelResponse = $shipment->getLabels($rate);

The difference here is constructing a Rate model manually. The only requirement is to set the carrier and serviceCode values, which are passed to the carrier API.