Upgrading from v1#

While the changelog (opens new window) is the most comprehensive list of changes, this guide provides high-level overview and organizes changes by category.

Plugin Settings#

Some plugin settings have been removed.

OldWhat to do instead
enableGatsbyCompatibilityNo longer required

Removed Controller#

The formie/csrf/* actions have been removed (previously deprecated). If you relied on these to refresh the CSRF token for your forms, refer to the docs for the updated controller and code.



The following changes have been made to the Form object.

OldWhat to do instead


The following changes have been made to the Page object.

OldWhat to do instead


The following changes have been made to the Row object.

OldWhat to do instead


The following changes have been made to the Field object.

OldWhat to do instead
renderLabel()No longer required
getIsTextInput()No longer required
getIsSelect()No longer required
getIsFieldset()No longer required


The following changes have been made to the Submission object.

OldWhat to do instead


Formie v2 features a revamp of front-end templates, and as such, there are likely to be many breaking changes. If you use custom templates, or template overrides carefully read the below, and consult the following updated docs:

Any current custom templates, or template overrides will continue to work, despite the new template architecture.

{% cache %} tag#

In Craft 4, external JavaScript and CSS resources are now included in cached data. In Craft 3, you would have been required to use craft.formie.registerAssets() outside of your {% cache %} tags.

You now no longer need to do this, and any JavaScript and CSS will be captured in {% cache %} tags.


Any references to getFields() should be changed to getCustomFields(). This is inline with Craft 4 element field layout changes.


With the addition of a "Save" button, we now need to be stricter about defining what each button does. You are now required to supply a data-submit-action attribute with the following:

{# Submit button #}
<button type="submit" data-submit-action="submit">Submit</button>

{# Back button #}
<button type="submit" data-submit-action="back">Back</button>

{# Save button #}
<button type="submit" data-submit-action="save">Save</button>

Submit Action#

With the addition of a "Save" button, we need to keep track of what action the form is doing, between saving, going back and submitting.

Ensure you include the submitAction hidden input with the default value submit in your <form> element.

<form ...>
    {{ csrfInput() }}
    {{ hiddenInput('submitAction', 'submit') }}

Render Options#

Any references to options should be changed to renderOptions. This is to prevent ambiguity with other variables named options. The only exception to this is within option-based fields like Dropdown, Checkboxes and Radio Buttons which do in fact have a variable named options for the collection of options for that field. This is different to renderOptions.

In addition, some attributes that were managed through render options no longer exist, and have been simplified.

OldWhat to do instead

Form Render Options#

The formClasses, formDataAttributes and formAttributes have now been replaced with Theme Config.

{# Formie v1 #}
{{ craft.formie.renderForm('contactForm', {
    formClasses: 'some-class',
    formDataAttributes: {
        'form-id': 'contact',
    formAttributes: {
        class: ['custom-form', 'another-class'],
        'data-site-form': true,
}) }}

{# Formie v2 #}
{{ craft.formie.renderForm('contactForm', {
    themeConfig: {
        form: {
            attributes: {
                'data-site-form': true,
                'data-form-id': 'contact',
                'class': ['custom-form', 'another-class', 'some-class'],
}) }}

name HTML attribute#

Without a correct name attribute on inputs, your content will fail to save. Previously, templates used the field.handle, but this can lead to complications when used in nested fields such as a Group. This is compounded in Formie v2 where the same fields are also used in sub-field compatible fields like Address and multi-Name fields (for example, where a Single-Line Text is also used).

OldWhat to do instead
<input name="{{ field.handle }}"<input name="{{ field.getHtmlName() }}"
<input name="{{ field.handle }}[]"<input name="{{ field.getHtmlName('[]') }}"
<input name="{{ field.handle }}[nested][value]"<input name="{{ field.getHtmlName('nested[value]') }}"


Previously, front-end templates wrapped all text such as field labels, instructions, error messages and more in translation filters. The translation category was a mixture of app, site and formie categories.

In Formie v2, these have been consolidated into the single formie translation category.

If you're using static translation to translate any text for front-end forms, ensure you move any of these translations in your site.php or app.php files into formie.php.

Read more about static translations (opens new window).

Form ID#

Previously, you were required to have at least the id and data-config attributes present on a <form> element. Furthermore, in order to use Formie's JS, you were required to use form.getFormId() or ensure your ID started with formie-form-*. This is no longer the case.

You are now required to only have a data-fui-form attribute which combines the two.

{# Formie v1 #}
{% set attributes = {
    id: form.formId,
    method: 'post',
    data: {
        config: form.configJson,
} %}

<form {{ attr(attributes) }}>

{# Formie v2 #}
{{ tag('form', {
    method: 'post',
    'data-fui-form': form.configJson,
}) }}

Without the data-fui-form attribute the Formie JS will fail to initialise.


You no longer need to namespace your fields, as this is automatically determined.

{# Formie v1 #}
    {# ... #}

    {% for field in form.getCustomFields() %}
        {% namespace field.namespace %}
            {% set value = field.defaultValue ?? null %}
            {{ field.getFrontEndInputHtml(form, value) }}
        {% endnamespace %}
    {% endfor %}

{# Formie v2 #}
    {# ... #}

    {% for field in form.getCustomFields() %}
        {% set value = field.defaultValue ?? null %}
        {{ field.getFrontEndInputHtml(form, value) }}
    {% endfor %}



We have changed the queries used for GraphQL so as not to conflict with other plugins.

OldWhat to do instead

We have also changed some references to fields which conflict with GraphQL schema requirements.

OldWhat to do instead


// Formie v1
    form (handle: "contactForm") {
        fields {

        pages {
            fields {

            rows {
                fields {

// Formie v2
    formieForm (handle: "contactForm") {
        formFields {

        pages {
            pageFields {

            rows {
                rowFields {


The following properties have been removed.

OldWhat to do instead

The following properties have been removed.

OldWhat to do instead

Multi-Line Text#

The following properties have been removed.

OldWhat to do instead

Single-Line Text#

The following properties have been removed.

OldWhat to do instead


For custom integrations, there are some required changes.

Form Settings Template#

Due to Vue 3 no longer supporting inline-template for server-side-rendered templates, we've had to make the change to using slots. If you have a custom integration, and your own template for configuring form settings for the integration, you'll need to switch to using slots.

{# Formie v1 #}
<integration-form-settings handle="{{ handle }}" :form-settings="{{ formSettings | json_encode }}">

{# Formie v2 #}
<integration-form-settings handle="{{ handle }}" :form-settings="{{ formSettings | json_encode }}">
    <template v-slot="{ get, isEmpty, input, settings, sourceId, loading, refresh, error, errorMessage, getSourceFields }">

As you can see, the only major change is the use of switching the <div> tag for the <template> tag, which is used for the default slot for the component. In order to access a data prop from the IntegrationFormSettings Vue component, you'll need to include it in the v-slot param. The above show the inclusion of most common props, but you can modify the props as required.

You'll also want to change references to v-model which no longer work, due to our change to slots.

{# Formie v1 #}
<select v-model="sourceId">

{# Formie v2 #}
<select :value="sourceId" @input="input('sourceId', $event.target.value)">

As v-model won't work when passed through a slot, we'll use :value and input() to manually handle state changes (essentially, the non-shorthand of v-model).


We've migrate from Vue Formulate (opens new window) to FormKit (opens new window), which gives us a lot more power and flexibility for our field settings schema. However, there are some breaking changes.


The SchemaHelper::toggleContainer helper has been removed, and can be replaced by conditionals (opens new window) which are much more powerful.

For example, you might have the following:

// Formie v1
    'label' => Craft::t('formie', 'Required Field'),
    'help' => Craft::t('formie', 'Whether this field should be required when filling out the form.'),
    'name' => 'required',
SchemaHelper::toggleContainer('settings.required', [
        'label' => Craft::t('formie', 'Error Message'),
        'help' => Craft::t('formie', 'When validating the form, show this message if an error occurs. Leave empty to retain the default message.'),
        'name' => 'errorMessage',

Where the "Error Message" field should be shown only if "Required Field" is truthy. In Formie v2, this can be expressed with:

// Formie v2
    'label' => Craft::t('formie', 'Required Field'),
    'help' => Craft::t('formie', 'Whether this field should be required when filling out the form.'),
    'name' => 'required',
    'label' => Craft::t('formie', 'Error Message'),
    'help' => Craft::t('formie', 'When validating the form, show this message if an error occurs. Leave empty to retain the default message.'),
    'name' => 'errorMessage',
    'if' => '$get(required).value',

Continue reading about all the possibilities with conditionals (opens new window).

Asset Paths#

Asset paths have changed, which won't affect your site, unless you're referring to the old asset URL.

OldWhat to do instead

Custom Fields#

For custom fields, there are some required changes.

OldWhat to do instead
getFrontEndInputOptions(Form $form, mixed $value, array $options = null)getFrontEndInputOptions(Form $form, mixed $value, array $options = [])
getFrontEndInputHtml(Form $form, mixed $value, array $options = null)getFrontEndInputHtml(Form $form, mixed $value, array $options = [])


The following hooks have been removed:

  • formie.subfield.field-start
  • formie.subfield.field-end
  • formie.subfield.input-before
  • formie.subfield.input-after
  • formie.subfield.input-start
  • formie.subfield.input-end

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