Sent Notifications#

Formie keeps track of every Email Notification that's sent from your site. This not only helps to keep a record of what email notifications have been sent, but provides you the ability to easily re-send an email notification.

Each sent notification can be viewed to see exactly what the content of the email was sent to the provided email. Other useful information such as User Agent, Transport Type, and more is also recorded.

Re-sending Sent Notifications#

It's a common need to be able to re-send an email notification, just in case something has gone wrong in the email delivery process. Fortunately, sent notifications makes this easy, allowing you to either re-send a notification to the original sender, or send it to a new single or multiple recipient.

Bulk Re-sending Sent Notifications#

For easy re-sending, you can also select multiple sent notifications to re-send in bulk! You'll have the opportunity to either re-send each notification to the original sender, or send all to a new single or multiple recipient.

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