Rendering Options#

There are a number of options you can pass into the craft.formie.renderForm() function.

Base Options#

These options are used by the default Formie template. If you use your own template, these options will not necessarily have an effect.

fieldsAffect the attributes of specific fields. Accepts a Fields Options object as the value.
buttonsAffect the attributes of the submit/next page and previous page buttons. Accepts a Buttons Options object as the value.
fieldTagSet the tag for the outer-most field container. This is div by default.
fieldNamespaceSet the namespace used by all fields. This is fields by default.
formClassesProvide an array of classes to be merged on the <form> element.
formDataAttributesProvide an object of data attributes to be merged on the <form> element.
formAttributesProvide an object of attributes to be merged on the <form> element.

An example modifying the attributes for the <form> element.

{{ craft.formie.renderForm('contactForm', {
    formAttributes: {
        class: ['custom-form', 'another-class'],
        'data-site-form': true,
}) }}

Buttons Options#

You can affect the attributes of the page buttons. These attributes are merged into the default buttons attributes and rendered using the attr() function.

submitSet the attributes of the submit/next page button.
prevSet the attributes of the previous page button.

For instance, maybe we want to add some classes or attributes to the submit button on a form. For multi-page forms, this would be for every page's submit button.

{{ craft.formie.renderForm('contactForm', {
    buttons: {
        submit: {
            class: ['custom-submit-btn', 'another-class'],
            'data-form-submit-btn': true,
        prev: {
            class: 'custom-back-btn',
}) }}

Fields Options#

fieldHandleSet the key to the handle of the field you would like to affect. Accepts a Field Options object as the value

Field Options#

fieldTagSet the tag for the outer-most field container. This is div by default. Takes precedence over the Base Options fieldTag.
attributesSet the attributes of the outer-most field container. These attributes are merged into the default field container attributes and rendered using the attr() function.

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