
Formie provides a number of integrations with third-party services for a variety of additional functionality and features.

Looking to build your own integration? Consult the Custom Integration docs.


Captchas are an important part of spam-protection for forms. Formie provides 4 captcha mechanisms, for further detail read the Captcha docs.

Address Providers#

Address Providers allow Address fields to use third-party services to autocomplete addresses. This has a significant benefit of lowering user input errors for users filling out a form. Formie provides 3 address provider integrations, for further detail read the Address Provider docs.


Element integrations allow form submissions to populate other elements, upon form submission success. For further detail read the Element docs.

Email Marketing#

Email Marketing integrations allow form submissions to send third-party providers a payload to subscribe an email to a nominated list. You can pick a field to allow users to opt-in to subscribing. You‘ll have control over what fields should be mapped to any custom fields on the third-party system. For further detail read the Email Marketing docs.


CRM integrations allow form submissions to send third-party providers a payload to integration user data into their system. Each CRM provider handles data differently, but Formie‘s integrations attempt to import “Contacts” and “Leads” into the CRM platform. You‘ll have control over what fields should be mapped to their third-party counterparts. For further detail read the CRM docs.


Webhook integrations are primarily used for when an external URL needs to be sent a payload of data from Formie, for processing on the receiving end. For further detail read the Webhooks docs.


Miscellaneous integrations are just that - any integration that doesn't fit into the categories above, but are still considered an integration. For further detail read the Miscellaneous docs.

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