Form Templates#

Formie comes with all the required Twig templates to make your forms look great. Additionally, we provide CSS and JS outputted alongside to form to ensure you can use forms out-of-the-box with no configuration. Read more about Form Templates.

Custom Templates#

While Formie's default templates suit most needs, you can of course roll your own templates, so you have total control over the form, field, layout and more.

By overriding template files, you will no longer receive bug fixes and improvements. If breaking changes are introduced, you will need to update your own templates. For more information on how to customize templates without overriding template files, please refer to the hooks documentation.

The great thing about Formie's custom templates is that it doesn't have to be all-or-nothing. You can choose to override a single template, or all. For instance, you might have very specific markup needs to a Select field. You can override just the template for the select field, and nothing else.

To get started, navigate to FormieSettingsForm Templates and create a new template. If you're going to use Use Custom Template, we recommend you select Copy Templates when creating, so you can remove any HTML template you're not overriding, which will resolve back to Formie's defaults. That way, you're starting off with the templates Formie already uses as a basis for your custom templates.

You can't modify Formie's default Form Templates. Instead, you'll want to create a new Form Template, and ensure your forms use that. This gives you the benefit of being able to easily manage multiple custom templates across your forms.

Before we dive in, it's worth taking the time to understand the structure of how templates go together.

We're using the .html extension here for clarity. You can use .twig or whatever you have set in your defaultTemplateExtensions (opens new window) for the actual files.

  • form.html
  • field.html
  • page.html
  • _includes/
    • label.html
    • submit.html
    • ...
  • fields/
    • address/
      • country.html
      • ...
    • agree.html
    • categories.html
    • ...

Let's start with the top-level templates.

Check out the raw templates on Formie's GitHub (opens new window) - they'll be the most up to date.

Overriding Form Templates#

To override the form template, provide a file named form.html.

Available Template Variables#

Field templates have access to the following variables:

formA Form object, for the form instance this template is for.
optionsA collection of additional options.
submissionThe current Submission object this this form may or may not have.

Overriding Page Templates#

To override the page template, provide a file named page.html.

Available Template Variables#

Field templates have access to the following variables:

formA Form object that this field belongs to.
pageA Page object, for the page instance this template is for.
optionsA collection of additional options.

Overriding Field Wrapper Templates#

To override the field template, provide a file named field.html. This is the wrapper template around all fields. You can also override individual field types' templates, rather than changing the template for every field, regardless of type.

Available Template Variables#

Field templates have access to the following variables:

formA Form object that this field belongs to.
fieldA Field object, for the field instance this template is for.
handleThe handle of the field.
optionsA collection of additional options, available for some fields.
elementThe current Submission object this this form may or may not have.

Overriding Field Templates#

You'll notice the above structure includes the fields/ directory. Inside this directory are a mixture of folders and individual files, each representing a template that you're able to override.

First, you'll need to identify the template's name. It's derived from the PHP class name for the field, converted to a "kebab" string. For easy reference, you can use the below table.

Class NameTemplate

Adding a template file in your specified template directory will use that template file over the ones Formie provide.

You might also have noticed we've shown address in a folder. Due to how Twig resolves templates, the below are equivalent:

fields/address.html - Is the same as - fields/address/index.html

For complex fields that have multiple templates, we've used folders to organise multiple templates in a single folder. You're welcome to follow this same pattern, but you're not forced to.

For example, the Address field, has the following templates in a folder:

  • fields/address/_country.html
  • fields/address/_field.html
  • fields/address/_input.html
  • fields/address/index.html

This is because the address field has many parts, and is complex. If you want to override the templates for this field, you just need to alter the index.html file. You can use the includes (denoted by _), or you don't have to.

Overriding Partials#

You'll have noticed in our preview of the templates' directory, the inclusion of an _includes directory. This houses partial templates that are used throughout the templates. This helps not only with re-use, but keeps things modular, which has a flow-on effect when you want to override just a partial.

The form.html file sets up your form, but also includes other partials like _includes/page-tabs.html, _includes/progress.html and _includes/submit.html. Rather than overriding the form.html file just to alter any one of these partials, you can override just the partial.

For example, let's say we want to override the page tabs of a multi-step form. We could create a file _includes/page-tabs.html and add our content to this template. There's no need to override form.html now!

How it Works#

Formie's templates use a custom Twig function like {{ formieInclude('_includes/page-tabs') }}. This is in contrast to what you might be used to in your own templates, something like {% include '_includes/page-tabs' %}. The drawback with this latter approach is how Formie resolves the template partial. Using {% include %} it will expect to find the template partial relative to the template file you're including it from. Instead, formieInclude() will resolve the template partial to either your overrides' folder, or Formie's default templates.

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