Rendering Pages#

In some cases, you may wish to render specific pages, rather than an entire form. Pages will also include the submit button and captchas. For multi-page forms, this can be multiple buttons for going back to a previous page, or to continue to the next page.

Rendering a page can be achieved with the following Twig.

{% set form = craft.formie.forms.handle('contactUs').one() %}

{% for page in form.getPages() %}
    {{ craft.formie.renderPage(form, page) }}
{% endfor %}

Here, we fetch the Form object, call getPages() to fetch all the pages the form has, and loop through them. Even for single-page forms, getPages() will return an array of Page objects.

This may be particularly useful if you want control over the <form> element of a form, rather than rely on craft.formie.renderForm().

{% set form = craft.formie.forms.handle('contactUs').one() %}

<form method="post" data-fui-form="{{ form.configJson }}">
    {{ csrfInput() }}
    {{ actionInput('formie/submissions/submit') }}
    {{ hiddenInput('handle', form.handle) }}

    <h2>Please fill out the form below</h2>

    {% for page in form.getPages() %}
        {{ craft.formie.renderPage(form, page) }}
    {% endfor %}

Let's run through a few things of note:

  • The data-fui-form attribute are required, and Formie's JavaScript relies on this to initialise the form.
  • Some additional Twig content in the <form> element, such as csrfInput(), actionInput(). This is to ensure Formie can process the content of the form and create a submission from it.

Make sure to include the data-fui-form attribute with JSON configuration from the form. Without this attribute, Formie's JavaScript will fail to initialise, meaning client-side validation, captchas and more will not work.


You'll probably notice your form is looking a little plain and some aspects of it won't work like validation, captchas and more. That's because unlike calling craft.formie.renderForm(), rendering just form pages won't automatically add Formie's CSS or JavaScript to the webpage for you.

To address this, we just need to include a call to ensure Formie's CSS and JS is added to the webpage.

{% set form = craft.formie.forms.handle('contactUs').one() %}

{% do craft.formie.registerAssets(form) %}

<form method="post" data-fui-form="{{ form.configJson }}">

This will respect the Form Template setting you may have on your form, which controls where to render the CSS and JS.

It's important to include this registerAssets before the <form> rendering tag. You could also include them separately as below:

{% set form = craft.formie.forms.handle('contactUs').one() %}

{% do craft.formie.renderFormCss(form) %}
{% do craft.formie.renderFormJs(form) %}

<form method="post" data-fui-form="{{ form.configJson }}">

Read further on the registerAssets(), renderFormCss() and renderFormJs() functions.

Render Options#

A second argument to renderPage() allows you to pass in variables used as Render Options.

{% set renderOptions = {
    someOption: 'someValue',
} %}

{% set form = craft.formie.forms.handle('contactUs').one() %}

{% for page in form.getPages() %}
    {{ craft.formie.renderPage(form, page, renderOptions) }}
{% endfor %}

Override Page Settings#

You can also dynamically override any settings for the page using setPageSettings(). You'll need to use the "handle" of the page, which is automatically derived from the Page Title as a kebab-delimited string. So if your page has the label "Contact Details" the handle would be contact-details.

{% set form = craft.formie.forms.handle('contactForm').one() %}

{% do form.setPageSettings('page-1', {
    {# Override the submit button text for "Page 1" #}
    submitButtonLabel: 'Click here to submit',
}) %}

{{ craft.formie.renderForm(form) }}

Check out the Page object for all available settings.

Rendering Rows & Fields#

You can render rows for a page, rather than relying on the render function to output them. In this instance, you would want to Render the Field, rather than the entire page.

{% set form = craft.formie.forms.handle('contactUs').one() %}

<form method="post" data-fui-form="{{ form.configJson }}">
    {{ csrfInput() }}
    {{ actionInput('formie/submissions/submit') }}
    {{ hiddenInput('handle', form.handle) }}

    {% for page in form.getPages() %}
        <div class="page" data-page-id="{{ }}">
            {% for row in page.getRows() %}
                <div class="row">
                    {% for field in row.fields %}
                        <div class="col">
                            {{ craft.formie.renderField(form, field) }}
                    {% endfor %}
            {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}

Getting Pages#

As shown above, we can fetch all available pages on a form using form.getPages().

{% set form = craft.formie.forms.handle('contactUs').one() %}

{% for page in form.getPages() %}
    {{ }}
{% endfor %}

Because pages don't have a unique handle to fetch by, you need to rely on this function to fetch all the pages for a form. If you want to find a specific page to use in your templates, you can either rely on the id, the name or the sortOrder of a Page object.

You can also use some additional functions for multi-page forms:

{% set currentPage = form.getCurrentPage() %}
{% set nextPage = form.getNextPage() %}
{% set prevPage = form.getPreviousPage() %}

Each function will return a Page object. When there aren't next or previous pages, null will be returned.

For more fine-grained control over rendering of a form, see Rendering Fields

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